HP Matrix Operating Environment Software User Manual
Page 97

The following are limitations of the Import VM feature.
Not supported
Importing Integrity VM and XenServer virtual machines
Importing VMware ESX or ESXi virtual machines
Importing Microsoft Hyper-V virtual machines
Importing cloud servers or physical servers
Importing linked clone virtual machines and virtual
machines with RDM disks or multiple datastores
Add Disk operation for the imported VM service
Accessability through the user interface and through the
Add Server operation for the imported VM service
DR protection for the imported VM service
HP Operations Orchestration workflows assigned to the
imported VM service
Importing a Hyper-V virtual machine with the
configuration file in the default location
Hyper-V physical disks with multiple partitions unless all
but the first partition are excluded
To import a virtual machine as an IO service
Open the infrastructure orchestration console and then click the Services tab.
Click the Import button. The Import an existing server as an IO service dialog is displayed.
Select an ESX or Hyper-V virtual machine from the environment that has a status of Valid.
(Hover your mouse over Error or Warning status icons to see details of the errors.)
Conditions that cause a non-Valid status include:
Server is missing host name.
Server is missing OS type.
The server cannot be imported because its name contains special characters. Only A-Z,
a-z, 0-9, - or _ are supported.
Servers with a virtualization type other than ESX or Hyper-V cannot be imported.
Virtual network interface is not defined.
Network is missing ID.
Server IP address was not found.
VM Host is not defined.
VM Host IP address is missing.
Click Next.
Enter a service name that is not already in use within the organization. The service name can
contain up to 15 characters using letters (A-Z, a-z), numbers (0-9), space, underscore, and
Select an organization from the drop-down menu, or select Service Provider if you do not
want to assign the service to a particular organization. If you select an organization, the
service is visible only to the users of the organization.
Enter a user name for the service owner.
(Optional) Click Check to verify that the entered user name is a valid user defined in Windows
Active Directory.
(Optional) Enter a billing code. For more information, see
“Specifying a billing code for
10. (Optional) Enter Notes about the service.
Matrix infrastructure orchestration lifecycle operations