HP Matrix Operating Environment Software User Manual
Page 143

5 Matrix infrastructure orchestration storage management
Matrix infrastructure orchestration supports a range of storage provisioning capabilities to
appropriately match the customer environment. Administrators can choose to manually define
storage pool entries and manually provision storage, or can take advantage of the Matrix Operating
Environment integration with HP Storage Provisioning Manager (SPM).
SPM is automatically installed as part of Matrix OE. Matrix infrastructure orchestration communicates
with SPM to find or create storage resources that match the requirements in a request and makes
that storage available for use. When defining service templates within infrastructure orchestration
designer, the administrator can manually specify logical disk properties (for example, size, RAID,
tags) or can browse storage templates defined in SPM and make an appropriate selection.
During service provisioning, infrastructure orchestration searches for storage pool entries that meet
the logical disk needs, and can automatically create a storage pool entry if none is found (using
the service template logical disk information).
Matrix infrastructure orchestration works with SPM to provide storage services and automate several
operations related to storage. The interaction with SPM can take place during service provisioning,
or can be done in advance, for customers who want to manually create storage pool entries and
fulfill them through the SPM catalog. When storage requests are made to SPM (manually or
automatically created), an SPM storage template is used. The template can be selected in
infrastructure orchestration designer, or a default template is used. SPM will fulfill the request from
the service catalog, perhaps using pre-provisioned storage or on-demand provisioned storage
(based on the policies in the SPM storage template).
For more information, see
“Populating the Storage Provisioning Manager catalog” (page 150)
, and
the HP Storage Provisioning Manager (SPM) User Guide at the following webstie: