HP Matrix Operating Environment Software User Manual

Page 66

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The following table describes the information shown in the Load Balance tab in the Details pane.
In addition, the model of the load balancer, its version, and the logical ID of the load balancer is
shown. (The logical ID is used to configure load balancing using the CLI and SOAP API.)

Table 4 Load Balance tab details


Load Balance tab

Name of the logical load balancer group, which is an abstract
concept that describes a service that is to be load balanced. A load

Group Name

balancer group contains members, which are added to the group
after the group is defined.

Service that will be load balanced. This is typically a URI typed in
a web browser. The URI contains a protocol, host name (or IP
address), listening port of a load balancer, and a path.

Service URI

Host name or DNS name of the service.

Host name

Virtual (external) IP address associated with the DNS name of the

IP Address

A comma separated list of IP address and port pairs. Each pair
describes a server that serves the actual content of the service


(website, ftp site, database, and so on). These are IP addresses of
the servers in the server group.

Configuring an environment for ESXi cluster provisioning

Matrix infrastructure orchestration enables the deployment of a configured VMware ESXi VM Host
or a collection of VM Hosts in a VM cluster. The VM Host or VM cluster includes servers, storage,
and network configuration.

Using infrastructure orchestration designer, an architect creates a service template containing one
or more VM Hosts with configured shared storage and networking. Deploying the template results
in a complete, functioning VM cluster that is ready to have VM guests deployed.

In a federated CMS environment, a VM cluster can be deployed only to the primary CMS.

For detailed configuration steps and for information about creating a template to provision to a
VM cluster, see the HP CloudSystem Matrix How-To Guide: ESXi Cluster Provisioning white paper
at the following website:

Configuring an environment for physical provisioning

For physical provisioning to perform correctly, set the following attributes in the ..\Program
Files\HP\Matrix infrastructure orchestration\conf\


Set physical.max.concurrent.requests=10 to limit the number of concurrent physical
logical servers provisioned. If the attribute is set to a value greater than 10, physical logical
server provisioning might fail.

Set npiv.integrity.enabled=true to enable multi-initiator N-Port ID Virtualization
(m-NPIV) support on Integrity servers. Auto provisioning of storage that includes both private
and shared disks requires m-NPIV support. The npiv.integrity.enabled property is
disabled by default.

m-NPIV is supported on Integrity server blades using the QLogic FC controller with the HP-UX
11i v3 Update 8 (March 2011) and later release.

Physical provisioning requires:


Installation and configuration