HP Matrix Operating Environment Software User Manual
Page 7

Auto-provisioning storage fails with “No matching storage found” error..............................194
Logical servers are inoperable if they are associated with guests that use SLVM file-based
Could not find server serial number or task for logical server failed....................................195
Manual storage provisioning email states that more data LUNs than are required should be
Cannot add servers to an existing service using a static IP address....................................195
Provisioning request remains paused during manual storage allocation and a storage pool
entry cannot be created...............................................................................................196
Integrity firmware blade corruption during provisioning Integrity blades..............................196
Cannot deploy Integrity VM guests when gWLM is controlling the host...............................197
OS deployment through Insight Control server deployment fails when deploying to a SAN
booted physical server.................................................................................................197
Service creation fails in the in the target reconfiguration phase..........................................198
Service creation fails for physical requests when Windows Server OS is selected.................198
Request with a future start date stays at 10% with status of Reserved...................................199
Physical server provisioning using Insight Control server deployment fails during the final
personalization step....................................................................................................199
Server reservation and allocation fail even though servers exist in the assigned pool............199
Create request fails, but the service is still listed in the Service tab in “Reserved” state, and no
resources are allocated................................................................................................200
Password is blank for Windows 2008 R2 and later provisioned VMs.................................200
Error deploying logical server: Copy virtual machine failed: Unable to access file
Start function on virtual machine failed: there are not enough licenses installed to perform the
Select or create an empty folder as the target destination.................................................201
Unable or failed to delete
“Could not retrieve mounted disk drive details” error when deploying a Hyper-V template.....202
Insight Control virtual machine management cannot manage a Hyper-V VM.......................202
Service creation fails in the VM customization phase........................................................202
Service creation fails with a virtual machine customization error........................................204
Hyper-V host changes UUIDs of VMs with simultaneous create service requests....................204
Service creation fails with internal error..........................................................................204
Service creation fails with “Unable to locate boot disk path”.............................................205
Service creation fails with “Remote Exception: Error while setting the VLAN ID on Switch Port
null for the VM”..........................................................................................................205
Service creation fails with “Error powering on logical server”............................................205
Time zone set in Sysprep.inf is not reflected in Microsoft Windows 2008 virtual machine
Error getting DHCP address during add server request.....................................................206
Virtual data disk names cannot contain double-byte characters.........................................206
A Microsoft Windows 2008 virtual machine guest cannot join the Active Directory domain...206
Provisioning virtual machine failed with a VM must be powered off for customization error
Provisioned VMs fail due to improper VM Host hardware configuration..............................207
VM Host server blade is not returned to server pool as Unused when VM Host service is
Task for logical server has failed: Service console load average on the source server is greater
than the threshold value...............................................................................................208
Storage pool entries defined in Matrix OE are not shown in the infrastructure orchestration
console Storage tab....................................................................................................208
Unable to add servers in a SCVMM service....................................................................208