HP Matrix Operating Environment Software User Manual
Page 261

features, 11
infrastructure orchestration applications, 94
infrastructure orchestration console
access, 97
Calendar tab, 98
Home page, 97
Networks tab, 98
Organization tab, 98
overview, 96
Requests tab, 98
Servers tab, 98
Services tab, 98
Software tab, 98
Storage tab, 98
tasks, 96
Templates tab, 97
Users tab, 98
infrastructure orchestration designer
accessing, 95
navigation to, 94
prerequisites, 94
infrastructure orchestration organization administrator
accessing, 100
customizing, 102
Home page, 100
Networks tab, 101
Organization tab, 101
Requests tab, 101
Servers tab, 101
Services tab, 101
Templates tab, 101
Users tab, 101
infrastructure orchestration self service portal
access, 103
accessing, 103
Calendar tab, 105
customizing, 102
Home page, 104
My History tab, 105
My Pools tab, 104
My Requests tab, 104
My Services tab, 104
Templates tab, 104
inoperable storage pool entry, 194, 195
Insight Control, 11
Insight Control server deployment job folders, 37
Insight Control server provisioning, 15
configuring, 35
server customization, 35
Insight Control virtual machine management, 11
troubleshooting, 217
installation, 17
IO accelerators
support of, 153
IO template
cloud service provider, 138
ProLiant server, 124
ioexec command line interface reference , 16
IP address
of VM Host, 119
load balancer, 61
IPv6 addresses
using static, 45
job folders, 37
lease period, 114
Matrix OE Public Cloud Managed Instance, 56
license agreement
requiring at service provision, 21
licensing, 17
lifecycle operations, 106
activate server, 112
add disks, 111
add servers, 109
change lease, 114
create service, 106
deactivate server, 112
delete service, 107
edit virtual servers, 115
manual processes, 122
power cycle server, 113
power off server, 113
power on server, 113
remove servers, 110
linked clone server group, 133
linked clone server group storage, 120
Linux guest
provisioning on Hyper-V, 44
load balancer
attributes that can be selected, 62
configuring, 59
group members, 64
IPv6, 61
registering, 60
local disk
provisioning physical servers, 119
logical server
managing new, 150
manual clean-up process, 234
manual operations, 122
Matrix infrastructure orchestration
interaction with HP Operations Orchestration, 251
setting deployment server custom attributes, 35
Matrix recovery management
integration with infrastructure orchestration, 53
Matrix Security Group