8 .9 cte protocol – KROHNE Summit 8800 Vol 3 User Manual

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08/2013 - MA SUMMIT 8800 Vol3 R02 en




Stop bits

Gap between two transmitted words, 1 or 2 stop bits


RS232 or RS 485

Word size

Size of 1 word: 7 or 8 bits


The maximum time to be waiting for a response, after which an alarm is given

8 .9 CTE Protocol

The CTE protocol or Comunicazione a Trame Estese (communication for large stations) is in use

by the Italian SNAM to transmit the consumption of natural gas. For details, see UNI/TS 11291-2

gas measurement systems - devices for measurement of gas on an hourly basis, Part 2: Proto-

col CTE.

The CTE must be chosen in the hardware section for one of the serial ports:

Figure 200 CTE protocol hardware setting

The standard settings need to match the CTE communication partner:


Click the box if the Summit is the master

Baud rate

The speed of transmission in bits per second between 300 and 38400.


A check on correct transmission: none, odd, even, space or mark.

Stop bits

Gap between two transmitted words, 1 or 2 stop bits


RS232 or RS 485

Word size

Size of 1 word: 7 or 8 bits

Level code 1 to 3

Code used for addressing the flow meter. If omitted the address is not used.

Session timeout

The maximum time to be waiting for a response, after which an alarm is given

More CTE details must be given under general: