KROHNE Summit 8800 Vol 3 User Manual
Page 138
08/2013 - MA SUMMIT 8800 Vol3 R02 en
The register list functions are:
Import from file
Import a modbus slave setup from a file
Export to file
Export the existing modbus setup to a file
Clear the full modbus list. Please be aware that there will not be a warning.
The line functions are:
Inset a line or group
Drag a variable or group of variables to the right and drop it. at the blue line.
Group lines
Hold CTRL and select lines or select a start line and hold shift and select the
last line
Delete line or group
Select an item/ group and press the delete key or right click and choose
delete selected
Change address and addresses block (group of variables that together have one address):
Figure 187 Modbus serial settings
Change start address
Select a line, right click on address field and select change start address
Create an address block
Select a group of lines and right click on address field and select change
Split an address block
Select the first line in a block, right click on address field and select split
Figure 188 Modbus register parameter functions
The registers parameter functions are:
Change registers
Change registers from fixed to variable size, give the number of register
Autofit registers
Change registers from variable to fixed size, sets the number of registers
The parameters: type, byte, order, latch, access, indexing and log number functions are: