Setup page / output 2 menu – Watlow Series 97 User Manual

Page 50

background image

Active if Output 2 is set to

[``AL], hardware is present
(not 97 _ _-_ A _ _-_ _ _ _ ), and
Setup Page Lock (Lockout
Menu) is not set to [hide].

725 r/w


[``no] no (0)
[`yes] yes (1)

[Anu2] Alarm

Annunciation 2

Selects alarm 2
annunciation option.

Active if Output 2 (Output 2

Menu) is set to [``AL],
hardware is present (not 97 _
_-_ A _ _-_ _ _ _ ), and Setup
Page Lock (Lockout Menu) is
not set to [hide].

724 r/w


[Al`O] alarm condition

de-energizes output

(fail safe operation)


[Al`C] alarm condition

energizes output (1)

[Lgc2] Alarm Logic 2

Selects alarm 2
output condition in
the alarm state.

Active if Output 2 (Output 2

Menu) is set to [``AL],
hardware is present (not 97 _
_-_ A _ _-_ _ _ _ ), and Setup
Page Lock (Lockout Menu) is
not set to [hide].

723 r/w


[both] both (0)
[``hi] high (1): high

side only

[``lo] low (2): low side


[Sid2] Alarm Active

Sides 2

Selects which side
or sides the alarm
setpoints can be
programmed for.

Active if Output 2 (Output 2

Menu) is set to [``AL] (Alarm)
and Setup Page Lock (Lockout
Menu) is not set to [hide].

722 r/w


[``no] no action (0)
[`Yes] silence alarm


[SiL2] Silencing 2

Enables Silence 2.

Active if Output 2 (Output 2

Menu) is set to [``AL] (Alarm)
and Setup Page Lock (Lockout
Menu) is not set to [hide].

721 r/w


[``no] no action (0)
[`Yes] latching

enabled (1)

[LAT2] Latching 2

Enables Alarm 2

Active if Output 2 is enabled,

hardware is present (not 97 _
_-_ A _ _-_ _ _ _ ), Output 2
(Output 2 Menu) is set to
[``AL] (Alarm) and Setup
Page Lock (Lockout Menu) is
not set to [hide].

720 r/w


1 to 9999

[hys2] Alarm Hysteresis


Sets the switching
hysteresis for the
alarm output. This
defines a band on
the inside of the
alarm set point.
When the process
temperature is in
this band, the alarm
state will not

6 . 1 0

P a r a m e t e r s

Wa t l o w S e r i e s 9 7

Setup Page / Output 2 Menu






Conditions for


Parameters to Appear


NOTE: For more information about how parameter settings affect the controller’s operation, see Chapter Five, Features.