Event input – Watlow Series 97 User Manual
Page 34

Event Input
With an event input an operator can perform certain operations on a system by opening or
closing a switch or applying a dc logic signal to the controller. This feature can add conve-
nience, safety or security to a system.
Use Event Input Status [E`St] (Monitor Menu) to read the state of the event input para-
Use Event Function [E`Fn] (Input 2 Menu) to select how an event will affect the system.
[nonE] Events will not affect the system.
[Lrst] Clear Limit.
[`LOC] Lock out key board.
[`ALr] Clear an alarm.
Use Event Condition [E`cn] (Input 2 Menu) to select what condition will trigger an event.
[`Lo`] Low generates an event while the voltage is low (switch closed).
[`hi`] High generates an event while the voltage is high (switch open).
[riSE] Rise changes the event state when the voltage changes from low to high.
[FALL] Fall changes the event state when the voltage changes from high to low.
Figure 5.6 — Event inputs.
Low Event
(switch closed)
High Event
(Switch open)
Rise Event
Fall Event
5 . 6
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