Setup page / input 1 menu – Watlow Series 97 User Manual
Page 48

Active if Setup Page Lock
(Lockout Menu) is not set to
604 r/w
0 (or 1.0 if
[dEC1] is
set to 0.0)
-60.0 to 60.0
[ftr1] Input Software
Filter 1
Sets the filter time
for the input, in
seconds. This
smooths out a
rapidly changing
input signal. Positive
values affect the
monitor readings
only. Negative
values affect both
the monitor readings
and the control
Active if Setup Page Lock
(Lockout Menu) is not set to
606 r/w
If Set Sensor Type is
RTD, thermocouple,
(excluding R, S, or B
[```0] 0(0)
[``)0] 0.0(1)
[dEC1] Decimal 1
Sets the position of
the decimal point for
input readings.
Active if Setup Page Lock
(Lockout Menu) is not set to
603 r/w
[rh`1] Range High 1
Sets the input range
high. This setting is
the highest value
that the set point
can have.
Active if Setup Page Lock
(Lockout Menu) is not set to
602 r/w
[rL`1] Range Low 1
Sets the input range
low. This setting is
the lowest value
that the set point
can have.
6 . 8
P a r a m e t e r s
Wa t l o w S e r i e s 9 7
Setup Page / Input 1 Menu
Conditions for
Parameters to Appear
NOTE: For more information about how parameter settings affect the controller’s operation, see Chapter Five, Features.
*See specifications in the appendix for sensor ranges and defaults.