Chapter one overview, Chapter 1: overview, Introduction – Watlow Power Series Rev H User Manual

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O v e r v i e w, C h a p t e r 1

Wa t l o w P o w e r S e r i e s

1 . 1

Chapter One


The Power Series is a state-of-the-art microprocessor-based Silicon Controlled Rectifier
(SCR) power controller intended for controlling industrial heaters. This product is based on
one package with several configurations that include single phase, three phase, and single
phase-multizone capabilities. Each package configuration has a specific current rating
depending on the number of phases switched. The switching capabilities include 65 to 250A
rms at 50°C from 24 to 600V~ depending on the configuration or model number selected. See
page 1.2 for additional information on the Power Series configuration options.

Figure 1.1 — Power Series features.

Ground Lug
Built in, designed for easy
ground connections.

I/O Port
Input, retransmit
output, communications,
and alarms.

On-Board Fan
A fan is integrated into
the package on forced
air cooled models to
eliminate separate power
connection for fan.

Allen Wrench
Used to torque terminals
1 to 6 and ground lug.

Removable Mounting Plate
Power Series snaps on a pre-
mounted, removable plate.

Terminal Cover
Electrically touch-safe

Fuse Cover
Slides up and down for fuse
maintenance and covers the
high voltage components.

Digital Programmer/Display
For controller configuration,
setup, and monitoring features.







Power Series

Solid State Power Contr
