Watlow Power Series Rev H User Manual
Page 40

Active if heater diagnostics is
Active unless controller is 3
phase, 2 leg configuration.
Active if
[`Hbo] is set to [``On].
5116 r/w [1]
5216 r/w [2]
5316 r/w [3]
10.0% of load
[```0] to [`Cur] 0 to
Load Current Amps
[1 Amp increment;
maximum will be de-
termined by Load
Rating] (0 to Load
Current Amps)
[`HbC] Heater Bakeout
Over Current Trip
Sets the maximum
heater current dur-
ing heater bakeout.
Output will shut
down at this value.
Active if heater diagnostics is
Active unless controller is 3
phase, 2 leg configuration.
Active if
[`Hbo] is set to [``On].
5111 r/w [1]
5211 r/w [2]
5311 r/w [3]
1440 minutes
[```0] to [9999] 0 to
9999 minutes [1
minute increments]
(0 to 9999)
[Min] Heater Bakeout
Select Time
Selects the heater
bakeout time in min-
utes for chosen zone.
Active if heater diagnostics is
Active unless controller is 3
phase, 2 leg configuration.
5110 r/w [1]
5210 r/w [2]
5310 r/w [3]
[`OFF] off (0)
[`OFF] off (0)
[``On] selected (1)
[`Hbo] Heater Bakeout
Select (On/Off)
Select heater bake-
out option for chosen
[OPt1] OPt2] [OPt3]
Setup Options Zones 1, 2, and 3 Menus
[`Set] [`Set]
Setup Page
This menu is used to set up the options for the chosen zone. This set of menus is available only if
Heater Diagnostics is installed.
Zone 1 is used if Input/Output Configuration is single phase, single zone, or three phase.
Zone 1 and Zone 2 are used if Input/Output configuration is single phase, two zones.
All zones are used if Input/Output Configuration is single phase, three zones.
Active if
[algo] is set to [Ph2t]
[type] is set to [3ld] or
5108 r/w
[``)0] (0)
[``)0] to [`5)0]
(0 to 500)
[rdLy] Reactance Delay
for Transformer
Prevents half cycle
errors and restarts
on inductive loads.
Increase value until
half cycle errors no
longer appear.
Active unless Input/Output con-
figuration is 3 phase, 2-leg.
Active if
[algo] is set to [Ph2t].
5105 r/w [1]
5205 r/w [2]
5305 r/w [3]
[``$0] (40)
[``)0] to [12)0] 0.0
to 120 seconds (.1
second increments)
(0 to 1200)
[Soft] Soft Start Time
Selects the time in
seconds for the
power level of the
chosen zone to
change from 0% to
100% when the
power cycles.
Active unless Input/Output con-
figuration is 3 phase, 2-leg.
Active if
[algo] is set to [Ph2t].
5104 r/w [1]
5204 r/w [2]
5304 r/w [3]
[`1)0] (100)
[``)1] to [10)0] 0.0
to 100.0% [.1% incre-
(1 to 1000)
[rATE] Maximum Rate of
Set maximum rate of
power change of the
power level for
selected zone when
input signal changes.
Conditions for
(Modbus Value)
Parameters to Appear
6 . 8
Wa t l o w P o w e r S e r i e s
P a r a m e t e r s , C h a p t e r 6