Watlow Power Series Rev H User Manual
Page 41

Active if heater diagnostics is
Active unless Input/Output con-
figuration is 3 phase, 2-leg.
Active if
[algo] is set to [ph2t]
[Indf] is set to [`req].
5107 r/w [1]
5207 r/w [2]
5307 r/w [3]
Active load
0 to load current rating
[ICur] Inductive Current
Sets the actual mea-
sured current for an
inductive load.
Active if heater diagnostics is
Active unless Input/Output con-
figuration is 3 phase, 2-leg.
Active if
[algo] is set to [ph2t].
NOTE: Selecting [`act] or [`CLr]
will restart the system.
5106 r/w [1]
5206 r/w [2]
5306 r/w [3]
[Idle] idle
[`err] invalid request
[Idle] idle (0)
[`req] request induc-
tive load factor ad-
justment (1)
[`act] active load fac-
tor adjustment (2)
[`CLr] clears factor (3)
[Indf] Inductive Load
Factor Request
Requests an induc-
tive load factor ad-
Active if heater diagnostics is
This set point will only be used if
the requested power is above
5115 r/w [1]
5215 r/w [2]
5315 r/w [3]
system cur-
[tol_] to maximum
system current [1
amp increments]
(Heater Low Toler-
ance Set Point to
max Load Current
rating of the Power
[tol–] High Tolerance
Set Point (A)
Set heater tolerance
high current set point
for the selected zone.
Value is current level
for 100% full on.
Active if heater diagnostics is
This set point will only be used if
the requested power is above
5114 r/w [1]
5214 r/w [2]
5314 r/w [3]
0 (0)
[```0] to [tol–] 0
amps to High Toler-
ance Set Point [1
amp increments]
(0 to Heater High
Tolerance Set Point)
[tol_] Low Tolerance Set
Point (A)
Set heater tolerance
low current set point
for the selected zone.
Value is current level
for 100% requested
power and is adjust-
ed actual percentage
of requested power.
Active if heater diagnostics is
Active unless controller is 3
phase, 2 leg configuration.
Active if
[algo] is set to [Ph2t]
[`CLi] is set to [``On].
NOTE: Changing this parameter will
restart the system.
5113 r/w [1]
5213 r/w [2]
5313 r/w [3]
10.0% of load
[```0] to [`Cur] 0 to
Load Current Amps
[1 Amp increment;
maximum will be de-
termined by Load
Rating] (0 to Load
Current Amps)
[CL`A] Current Limit Set
Point (A)
Selects the current
limit set point for
current limiting in
chosen zone.
Active if heater diagnostics is
Active unless controller is 3
phase, 2 leg configuration.
Active if
[algo] is set to [Ph2t].
NOTE: Changing this parameter will
restart the system.
5112 r/w [1]
5212 r/w [2]
5312 r/w [3]
[`OFF] off (0)
[`OFF] off (0)
[``On] on (1)
[`CLi] Current Limit Se-
lect (On/Off)
Selects current limit
method for selected
zone. Used in phase
angle control only.
Conditions for
(Modbus Value)
Parameters to Appear
P a r a m e t e r s , C h a p t e r 6
Wa t l o w P o w e r S e r i e s
6 . 9
NOTE: For more information about how parameter settings affect the controller’s operation, see Chapter Five, Control
Methods and Features.