Chapter five control methods and features, Zero cross, Chapter 5: control methods and features .5.1 – Watlow Power Series Rev H User Manual

Page 23: Fixed time base - zero cross

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Chapter Five
Control Methods and Features

F e a t u r e s , C h a p t e r 5

Wa t l o w P o w e r S e r i e s

5 . 1


Zero cross (also known as burst firing) provides even
output power with the lowest level of noise genera-
tion (RFI). Zero cross is the preferred method for
controlling a resistive load.

The controller determines when the ac sine wave
crosses the 0-volts point, then switches the load,
minimizing RFI.

Zero cross control is available for all Power Series

Soft start and current limiting are not available
with zero cross control.

Setup Page:

• Enter the Setup Page by holding

± ¬ for 3 seconds.

• When the display reads

[algo], press ® until [`Off]


is displayed. Press

У О to select [`ftb] fixed time

base, zero cross or

[Urtb] variable time base, zero


Figure 5.1a — Zero cross switching.

SCR Switch On/Off Points




Fixed Time Base - Zero Cross

In the fixed time base control method, the selected
percentage power level output is generated over a
fixed time period (i.e. a fixed number of cycles),
regardless of power level selected. Resolution of oper-
ator selectable power may be more precise than the
fixed time base allows. Selected power output level is
rounded to the closest possible power output value in
full cycles as necessary.

Line voltage compensation is not used in the fixed
time base control method.

Setup Page:

• Enter the Setup Page by holding

± ¬ for 2 seconds.

• When the display reads

[algo], press ® until [`Off]


is displayed. Press

У О to select [`ftb] fixed time

base, zero cross.

• Press

® until[1seC] is displayed.






[1seC] or [4seC].

Figure 5.1b — 40% power, fixed time base, 60 Hz, 1 sec
time base.

24 Cycles ON

36 Cycles OFF

24 Cycles ON

36 Cycles OFF

Zero Cross