Fast start guide, Get your power series controlling heat, Single phase control – Watlow Power Series Rev H User Manual

Page 32: Three phase control

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F e a t u r e s

W a t l o w P o w e r S e r i e s

Single Phase Control

Apply power to the line and the electronics power
supply. The displays will read


• Enter the Setup Page holding

± ¬ for 2 seconds.

• When the display reads

[algo] ® to [`Off],


then cycle thru the list of choices using the


keys. Choose one*.

[cont] dc contactor
[`Off] non-operational
[`Ftb] fixed time base, zero cross
[Urtb] variable time base, zero cross
[PH2t] phase angle



• At

[algo], press Î to [Ctr1].


• **Press

® until [`nna] (default) is displayed.


Using the

У О keys, select input type: [`Off]


[`nna] current, [Uolt] voltage, or [`dig]

keyboard or comms.

• **Press

® until [nna_] or [Uol_] is displayed.



Using the

У О keys, set the low end of the input

scale to the desired input.

• **Press

® until [nna–] or [Uol–] is displayed.



Using the

У О keys, set the high end of the

input scale to the desired input.

• **Press

® until [IDLE] is displayed.


Using the

У О keys, select [`req] , and the Power

Series will set the baseline voltage. Line voltage com-
pensation, under voltage alarm, and some internal op-
erating parameters are based on this.

*NOTE: One type of power control algorithm must be
selected for all zones.


Repeat this procedure for each zone

in multizone


Three Phase Control

Apply power to the line and the electronics power
supply. The displays will read


• Enter the Setup Page holding

± ¬ for 2 seconds.

• When the display reads

[````] ® to [````],


then cycle thru the list of choices using the


key. Choose one.

[cont] dc contactor
[`Off] non-operational
[`Ftb] fixed time base, zero cross
[Urtb] variable time base, zero cross
[PH2t] phase angle



• At

[algo], press Î to [Ctr1].


• **Press

® until [````] (default) is displayed.


Using the

Ó key, select input type: [`Off] off,

[`nna] current, [Uolt] voltage, or [`dig] keyboard
or comms.

• Press

® until [nna_] or [Uol_] is displayed.



Using the

Ó or Î key, set the low end of the input

scale to the desired input.

• Press

® until [nna–] or [Uol–] is displayed.



Using the

Ó or Î key, set the high end of the input

scale to the desired input.

• Press

® until [IDLE] is displayed.


Using the

У О keys, select [`req] , and the Power

Series will set the baseline voltage. Line voltage com-
pensation, under voltage alarm, and some internal op-
erating parameters are based on this.

• Press

® until [````] is displayed.


Select the load type for Zone 1. (Choice is depen-
dent on unit hardware.)

[2l`d] 3 ph, 2-leg delta
[2lod] 3 ph, 2-leg open delta
[2luy] 3 ph, 2-leg ungrounded wye
[none] unconfigured
[3lid] 3 ph, 3-leg, 6 SCR inside delta
[3l`d] 3 ph, 3-leg, 6 SCR delta
[3lgy] 3 ph, 3-leg, 6 SCR grounded wye

• Press

± to start the Power Series.

Fast Start Guide

Get Your Power Series Controlling Heat