Teledyne LeCroy PETracer ML Analyzer and Exerciser User Manual User Manual
Pe tracer ml, Pci express multi-lane exerciser, User manual
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Table of Contents
- Section 1. General
- Chapter 1: Overview
- Chapter 2: Hardware Description
- 2.1 System Components
- 2.2 Host Machine Requirements
- 2.3 Universal Protocol Analyzer System (UPAS)
- 2.4 Protocol Analyzer Modules
- 2.5 PETrainer Exerciser
- 2.6 PETracer ML Analyzer LED Descriptions
- 2.7 PETrainer ML Exerciser LED Descriptions
- 2.8 Rear Panel Description
- 2.9 Specifications for PETracer ML/PETrainer ML
- 2.10 External Interface Breakout Board
- Chapter 3: Installation
- 3.1 Installing the PETracer Software
- 3.2 Setting Up a PETracer Analyzer
- 3.3 Setting Up a PETrainer Exerciser
- 3.4 Installing a Dual Analyzer System
- 3.5 Networking an Analyzer
- 3.6 Browsing to a Networked Analyzer
- 3.7 Connecting the PETracer ML Analyzer to the Device Under Test
- 3.8 Connecting PETrainer ML to the Device Under Test
- Section 2. PETracer Analyzer Software
- Chapter 4: Software Overview
- 4.1 The PETracer Software
- 4.2 Application Layout
- 4.3 Using the Toolbar
- 4.4 Using the Menus
- 4.5 Tool Tips
- 4.6 Keyboard Shortcuts
- 4.7 Status Bar
- 4.8 Making a PCI Express Recording
- 4.9 Recording Multi-Segmented CATC Traces
- 4.10 PETracer Files
- 4.11 Opening CATC Trace Files
- 4.12 Saving CATC Trace Files
- 4.13 Exporting a CATC Trace File
- 4.14 Printing Data Files
- 4.15 Analyzer Chat Window
- Chapter 5: Reading CATC Traces
- Chapter 6: Searching CATC Traces
- Chapter 7: Display Options
- Chapter 8: Recording Options
- 8.1 Setting Recording Options
- 8.2 General Tab
- 8.3 Recording Rules Overview
- 8.4 Recording Rules Buttons
- 8.5 Creating Recording Rules
- 8.6 Recording Rule Limits
- 8.7 Recording Rules Logic: How Contradictory Rules are Resolved
- 8.8 Properties Dialog Boxes
- 8.9 Event Properties Dialog
- 8.10 Counting Events
- 8.11 Creating a Payload Match
- 8.12 Trigger
- 8.13 Filter In and Filter Out
- Chapter 9: Reports and Tools
- 9.1 File Information
- 9.2 Error Summary
- 9.3 Traffic Summary
- 9.4 Bus Utilization
- 9.5 Link Tracker
- 9.6 Data Flow Window
- 9.7 Using the Trace Navigator
- 9.8 LTSSM Flow Graph
- 9.9 Packet Header Bar
- 9.10 Packet Data Window
- 9.11 Configuration Space View
- 9.12 Using Unit Metrics
- 9.13 Real-Time Statistics Window
- 9.14 TC to VC Mapping
- 9.15 Timing and Bus Usage Calculations
- 9.16 Running Verification Scripts
- Section 3. PETrainer Exerciser Traffic Generation
- Chapter 10: Traffic Generation
- 10.1 Theory of Operation
- 10.1 Traffic Generation Files
- 10.2 Creating a Traffic Generation File
- 10.3 Editing Generation Files with the Script Editor
- 10.4 Generation Options Dialogs Overview
- 10.5 Generation Options for PETrainer ML
- 10.6 Generating Traffic: Set Generation Options
- 10.7 Generating Traffic: Prepare Traffic Generation
- 10.8 Generating Traffic: Begin Traffic Generation
- Chapter 11: Macros
- Chapter 12: Address Space
- Chapter 13: Configuration Space
- Chapter 14: Updates and Licensing
- Appendix A: Configuration Space Decoding
- Appendix B: China Restriction of Hazardous Substances Table
- How to Contact Teledyne LeCroy
- Index