Ransburg No. 2 Air Motor Atex Approved Unit 80086-XX User Manual
Page 36

12----01.03 No. 2 Air Motor Handgun
01.03 No. 2 Air Motor Handgun
01.03 No. 2 Air Motor Handgun
01.03 No. 2 Air Motor Handgun
2. Remove the two bottom socket head screws
2. Remove the two bottom socket head screws
2. Remove the two bottom socket head screws
2. Remove the two bottom socket head screws
from the cable/motor assembly and remove the
from the cable/motor assembly and remove the
from the cable/motor assembly and remove the
from the cable/motor assembly and remove the
handle assembly from the applicator assembly,
handle assembly from the applicator assembly,
handle assembly from the applicator assembly,
handle assembly from the applicator assembly,
taking care not to lose the paint tube and o
taking care not to lose the paint tube and o
taking care not to lose the paint tube and o
taking care not to lose the paint tube and o----
ring .
ring .
ring .
ring .
3. Remove paint tube and o
3. Remove paint tube and o
3. Remove paint tube and o
3. Remove paint tube and o----ring from the bar-
ring from the bar-
ring from the bar-
ring from the bar-
rel and clean the exposed barrel surface and
rel and clean the exposed barrel surface and
rel and clean the exposed barrel surface and
rel and clean the exposed barrel surface and
paint tube of any paint residue. Refer to "Effects
paint tube of any paint residue. Refer to "Effects
paint tube of any paint residue. Refer to "Effects
paint tube of any paint residue. Refer to "Effects
of Solvents" in the "Maintenance" section.
of Solvents" in the "Maintenance" section.
of Solvents" in the "Maintenance" section.
of Solvents" in the "Maintenance" section.
4. Insert paint tube into the barrel opening until
4. Insert paint tube into the barrel opening until
4. Insert paint tube into the barrel opening until
4. Insert paint tube into the barrel opening until
it bottoms.
it bottoms.
it bottoms.
it bottoms.
5. Place a new o
5. Place a new o
5. Place a new o
5. Place a new o----ring over the exposed paint
ring over the exposed paint
ring over the exposed paint
ring over the exposed paint
tube .
tube .
tube .
tube .
6. Position the barrel upside down on a table
6. Position the barrel upside down on a table
6. Position the barrel upside down on a table
6. Position the barrel upside down on a table
and place the new or rebuilt handle assembly
and place the new or rebuilt handle assembly
and place the new or rebuilt handle assembly
and place the new or rebuilt handle assembly
on the barrel, aligning the paint tube with the
on the barrel, aligning the paint tube with the
on the barrel, aligning the paint tube with the
on the barrel, aligning the paint tube with the
hole in the handle assembly. Also make sure
hole in the handle assembly. Also make sure
hole in the handle assembly. Also make sure
hole in the handle assembly. Also make sure
that the trigger latch spring is aligned with the
that the trigger latch spring is aligned with the
that the trigger latch spring is aligned with the
that the trigger latch spring is aligned with the
top edge of the handle.
top edge of the handle.
top edge of the handle.
top edge of the handle.
If necessary, apply a small amount of
If necessary, apply a small amount of
If necessary, apply a small amount of
If necessary, apply a small amount of
petroleum jelly to the o
petroleum jelly to the o
petroleum jelly to the o
petroleum jelly to the o----ring before sliding it
ring before sliding it
ring before sliding it
ring before sliding it
on the tube. DO NOT use any silicone
on the tube. DO NOT use any silicone
on the tube. DO NOT use any silicone
on the tube. DO NOT use any silicone
base lubricants.
base lubricants.
base lubricants.
base lubricants.
When positioning the handle assembly, make
When positioning the handle assembly, make
When positioning the handle assembly, make
When positioning the handle assembly, make
certain that the trigger latch spring is flat against
certain that the trigger latch spring is flat against
certain that the trigger latch spring is flat against
certain that the trigger latch spring is flat against
the barrel surface to provide proper trigger latch
the barrel surface to provide proper trigger latch
the barrel surface to provide proper trigger latch
the barrel surface to provide proper trigger latch
7. Align the screw holes of the handle assembly
7. Align the screw holes of the handle assembly
7. Align the screw holes of the handle assembly
7. Align the screw holes of the handle assembly
with the threaded holes of the barrel. Insert the
with the threaded holes of the barrel. Insert the
with the threaded holes of the barrel. Insert the
with the threaded holes of the barrel. Insert the
(4) lock washers and (4) socket head screws .
(4) lock washers and (4) socket head screws .
(4) lock washers and (4) socket head screws .
(4) lock washers and (4) socket head screws .
Tighten screws with a 9/64
Tighten screws with a 9/64
Tighten screws with a 9/64
Tighten screws with a 9/64----inch hex wrench.
inch hex wrench.
inch hex wrench.
inch hex wrench.
7. Insert and tighten the (2) socket head screws
7. Insert and tighten the (2) socket head screws
7. Insert and tighten the (2) socket head screws
7. Insert and tighten the (2) socket head screws
of the cable/motor assembly.
of the cable/motor assembly.
of the cable/motor assembly.
of the cable/motor assembly.
8. Replace the bell and connect the paint and
8. Replace the bell and connect the paint and
8. Replace the bell and connect the paint and
8. Replace the bell and connect the paint and
air hoses.
air hoses.
air hoses.
air hoses.
Trigger Replacement
Trigger Replacement
Trigger Replacement
Trigger Replacement
1. Complete steps 1, 2 and 3 of "Handle Assem-
1. Complete steps 1, 2 and 3 of "Handle Assem-
1. Complete steps 1, 2 and 3 of "Handle Assem-
1. Complete steps 1, 2 and 3 of "Handle Assem-
bly Replacement" in the "Maintenance" section.
bly Replacement" in the "Maintenance" section.
bly Replacement" in the "Maintenance" section.
bly Replacement" in the "Maintenance" section.
2. Lay the handle assembly on its side marked
2. Lay the handle assembly on its side marked
2. Lay the handle assembly on its side marked
2. Lay the handle assembly on its side marked
“X” (See figure 21) and support the area under
“X” (See figure 21) and support the area under
“X” (See figure 21) and support the area under
“X” (See figure 21) and support the area under
the trigger tangs, leaving the roll pin clear.
the trigger tangs, leaving the roll pin clear.
the trigger tangs, leaving the roll pin clear.
the trigger tangs, leaving the roll pin clear.
3. With the handle tang supported, use a 3 mm
3. With the handle tang supported, use a 3 mm
3. With the handle tang supported, use a 3 mm
3. With the handle tang supported, use a 3 mm
(1/8”) punch and a small hammer to gently drive
(1/8”) punch and a small hammer to gently drive
(1/8”) punch and a small hammer to gently drive
(1/8”) punch and a small hammer to gently drive
the roll pin through the upper tang and trigger .
the roll pin through the upper tang and trigger .
the roll pin through the upper tang and trigger .
the roll pin through the upper tang and trigger .
The roll pin should clear the second tang and be
The roll pin should clear the second tang and be
The roll pin should clear the second tang and be
The roll pin should clear the second tang and be
removed from the assembly.
removed from the assembly.
removed from the assembly.
removed from the assembly.
4. Remove the trigger.
4. Remove the trigger.
4. Remove the trigger.
4. Remove the trigger.
Protect the handle from scratches or
Protect the handle from scratches or
Protect the handle from scratches or
Protect the handle from scratches or mars by
mars by
mars by
mars by
using a cloth over a metal support or vise teeth.
using a cloth over a metal support or vise teeth.
using a cloth over a metal support or vise teeth.
using a cloth over a metal support or vise teeth.
Support the underside of the handle in the area
Support the underside of the handle in the area
Support the underside of the handle in the area
Support the underside of the handle in the area
of the roll pin, leaving the hole free.
of the roll pin, leaving the hole free.
of the roll pin, leaving the hole free.
of the roll pin, leaving the hole free.
When removing trigger roll pin, striking
When removing trigger roll pin, striking
When removing trigger roll pin, striking
When removing trigger roll pin, striking
handle tangs with a hammer may result in
handle tangs with a hammer may result in
handle tangs with a hammer may result in
handle tangs with a hammer may result in
casting breakage.
casting breakage.
casting breakage.
casting breakage.