No. 2 handgun brush, Refer to figure 10) – Ransburg No. 2 Air Motor Atex Approved Unit 80086-XX User Manual

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12----01.03 No. 2 Air Motor Handgun

01.03 No. 2 Air Motor Handgun

01.03 No. 2 Air Motor Handgun

01.03 No. 2 Air Motor Handgun

The brush should normally have a slight curve to the

The brush should normally have a slight curve to the

The brush should normally have a slight curve to the

The brush should normally have a slight curve to the
arm. The more pressure applied the lesser the

arm. The more pressure applied the lesser the

arm. The more pressure applied the lesser the

arm. The more pressure applied the lesser the





(see Figure 4). The tip of the brush

(see Figure 4). The tip of the brush

(see Figure 4). The tip of the brush

(see Figure 4). The tip of the brush

assembly must

assembly must

assembly must

assembly must

be inspected prior to each use for wear. When one

be inspected prior to each use for wear. When one

be inspected prior to each use for wear. When one

be inspected prior to each use for wear. When one----half




(1/2) of the plastic tip is worn away the brush assembly

(1/2) of the plastic tip is worn away the brush assembly

(1/2) of the plastic tip is worn away the brush assembly

(1/2) of the plastic tip is worn away the brush assembly
should be replaced (see Figure 10).

should be replaced (see Figure 10).

should be replaced (see Figure 10).

should be replaced (see Figure 10).

No. 2 Handgun Brush

No. 2 Handgun Brush

No. 2 Handgun Brush

No. 2 Handgun Brush

Positioning and Wear

Positioning and Wear

Positioning and Wear

Positioning and Wear

(Refer to Figure 10)

(Refer to Figure 10)

(Refer to Figure 10)

(Refer to Figure 10)

When installing the electrical contact brush (80085

When installing the electrical contact brush (80085

When installing the electrical contact brush (80085

When installing the electrical contact brush (80085----
00), it is important that it is properly positioned to pro-

00), it is important that it is properly positioned to pro-

00), it is important that it is properly positioned to pro-

00), it is important that it is properly positioned to pro-
vide LIGHT CONTACT with the bell conductive coat-

vide LIGHT CONTACT with the bell conductive coat-

vide LIGHT CONTACT with the bell conductive coat-

vide LIGHT CONTACT with the bell conductive coat-
ing. Excessive contact pressure from the contact

ing. Excessive contact pressure from the contact

ing. Excessive contact pressure from the contact

ing. Excessive contact pressure from the contact
brush will wear away the conductive coating or the

brush will wear away the conductive coating or the

brush will wear away the conductive coating or the

brush will wear away the conductive coating or the
brush tip, causing poor electrical contact. The small

brush tip, causing poor electrical contact. The small

brush tip, causing poor electrical contact. The small

brush tip, causing poor electrical contact. The small
plastic pad at the tip of the brush arm should lightly

plastic pad at the tip of the brush arm should lightly

plastic pad at the tip of the brush arm should lightly

plastic pad at the tip of the brush arm should lightly
contact the black bell coating, not the wire. The wire

contact the black bell coating, not the wire. The wire

contact the black bell coating, not the wire. The wire

contact the black bell coating, not the wire. The wire
should never contact the coating. The tip of the brush

should never contact the coating. The tip of the brush

should never contact the coating. The tip of the brush

should never contact the coating. The tip of the brush
should not extend past the edge of the bell cup or into

should not extend past the edge of the bell cup or into

should not extend past the edge of the bell cup or into

should not extend past the edge of the bell cup or into
the radius at the edge (see Figure 10).

the radius at the edge (see Figure 10).

the radius at the edge (see Figure 10).

the radius at the edge (see Figure 10).

Figure 10

Figure 10

Figure 10

Figure 10----1: Un

1: Un

1: Un

1: Un----Installed Brush Shape

Installed Brush Shape

Installed Brush Shape

Installed Brush Shape

Figure 10

Figure 10

Figure 10

Figure 10----2: Brush Contact Position

2: Brush Contact Position

2: Brush Contact Position

2: Brush Contact Position

Figure 10

Figure 10

Figure 10

Figure 10----3: Brush and Feed Tube Positioning

3: Brush and Feed Tube Positioning

3: Brush and Feed Tube Positioning

3: Brush and Feed Tube Positioning

Figure 10

Figure 10

Figure 10

Figure 10----4: Brush Contact Area

4: Brush Contact Area

4: Brush Contact Area

4: Brush Contact Area