2 engineer mode overlays, 1 password function prompt – Micromod Micro-DCI: 53MC5000 Multi-Loop Process Controller Installation User Manual
Page 31

The Engineer Mode Overlays are used to view (Display) or make necessary changes (Config-
ure) to the controller database parameters. Standard viewing/change entries are made by address-
ing single parameters by their datapoint specification on a single line overlay at the bottom of the
display. On units with HiRes displays (53MC5xxxB4xxxxxxxxx) either the datapoint method or the
module method may be used to perform viewing/change operations. The following sample screens
show the high-resolution display except where noted. The module method uses a full screen over-
lay to navigate through a series of menus to select the parameter(s) of interest by their mod-
ule/atom reference. If Engineer Mode is accessed and its functions (e.g., configure or display) are
not used, it "times-out" in 20 seconds and the overlay disappears from the bottom of the display.
The Engineer Mode may be locked-out with the Hand Held Configurer using the procedure de-
scribed in Section 3.4.
When the password prompt
KEY? appears, it indicates a password was set with an external device
(e.g. Hand Held Configurer, personal computer, etc.). The password can not be set via the front
panel push buttons. A password key is a maximum of 10 numeric characters (numbers 0-9 only).
It does not impede display functions in engineering mode but must be unlocked to perform configu-
ration functions. A password key is
NOT SET FOR NEW INSTRUMENTS from the factory; there-
fore, if it is set, it must have been done locally. The password must first be obtained from the
originator before the procedures below can be used to access the engineering mode configuration
function capabilities. Procedure to Enter a Key Password
The following screens illustrate the
CONFIGURE prompt, the KEY? prompt, the key 222222 en-
tered on the edit line, and the
POINT input query that appears after key access is granted.
Press the Mode button to enter the ENGINEER
mode indicated by the appearance of either CONFIG-
URE, DISPLAY or PROGRAM at the bottom of the
If CONFIGURE does not appear, press F2 until CON-
FIGURE appears
When CONFIGURE is displayed, press F3.