0 installation, 1 inspection, 2 location – Micromod Micro-DCI: 53MC5000 Multi-Loop Process Controller Installation User Manual
Page 11: 3 mounting

An itemized list of all items in the shipment is attached to the shipping container. Inspect the equip-
ment upon arrival for damage that may have occurred during shipment. All damage claims should
be reported to the responsible shipping agent before installation is attempted. If damage is such
that faulty operation is likely to result, the
Automation Service Department should be notified.
Inspect the packing material before discarding to prevent the loss of mounting hardware or special
instructions that may have been included with the shipment. Normal care in the handling and instal-
lation of this equipment will contribute towards satisfactory performance.
Prior to actual installation refer to Instruction Bulletin 53E9049 Site Preparation Guide For Digital
Electronic Instrumentation. This publication includes recommendations relative to environmental
conditions, input power, grounding, process wiring and switched contact load suppression. The
Site Preparation Guide can be obtained from your
Automation Sales Representative.
Automation Series 53MC5000 Controller is supplied with an enclosure designed specifi-
cally for indoor mounting. The installation site selected should be dry, well lighted, and vibration
free. The ambient temperature should be stable and maintained within the specified minimum and
maximum temperature limits listed in the Instruction Bulletin 53MC5000 Section 1.4.
The Controller can be supplied for use with a 24 V dc supply or 120, 220 and 240 V ac line service.
Instrument power requirements are given on the instrument data tag.
It is normally not necessary to open the instrument case during installation. If the instrument must
be removed from the case, refer to Instruction Bulletin 53MC5000 Section 6 for details. Incorrect
procedures may damage the instrument.
The Controller can be flush panel mounted, either as a single unit or side by side in multiple fash-
ion. Appropriate mounting hardware is supplied by
Automation. Outline dimensions and panel
cut-out requirements for case mounting are shown in Figure 2-1. Outline dimensions for optional in-
terconnection terminal boards are shown in Figure 2-2.
The dimensions given for spacing between instruments were selected on the basis of 1/8" thick
panel strength. Panel strength must be considered when multiple case mounting is required. As the
panel cut-out becomes longer it may be necessary to install supporting members. Because the
panel area between instrument rows becomes weaker as the cut-out becomes longer to the point