Calibration menu – GF Signet 2551 Magmeter Flow Sensor - Display User Manual

Page 14

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2551 Magmeter

8. Calibration


The K-Factors published in this manual assume that the À ow conditions in the pipe are ideal.

Many factors that affect the À ow rate are beyond the control of the magmeter; variations in actual pipe
dimensions, pipe smoothness, and other À ow conditions will contribute to the total system error.

Performing a custom calibration with the magmeter in place will adjust the K-Factor and can serve to
compensate for installation conditions that may be less than ideal.

Select one of the calibration methods in this menu to achieve the most accurate measurement
possible in a speci¿ c application.

At START, the 2551 begins counting the À ow past the sensor.

At STOP, the 2551 stores the total À ow accumulated since the START.

Enter the VOLUME that has been pumped past the sensor.

This error message appears if volume entered or the accumulated À ow is zero. Repeat the test
after checking the system.

Using the information from the RATE MATCHING method, the 2551 will recalculate a new K-Factor.
Press ENTER to accept the new value, or use the keypad to adjust the value.

The À ow rate shown is based on the existing calibration of the 2551. Use the keypad to modify the
À ow rate to match the reference meter. The 2551 will automatically calculate a new K-Factor based on
the new À ow rate.

This message appears if the new K-Factor is less than 0.0001 or greater than 999999.
To correct the problem, reexamine the À ow rate and make certain it is accurate.

8.2 Rate Method of Calibration
Use this method if the 2551 Magmeter must be calibrated to match a reference À ow meter. This is the method most commonly used by
monitoring agencies, and for large pipes where volumetric calibration is impractical. The accuracy of this calibration method is largely
dependent on the accuracy of the reference meter and the proximity of the reference to the Signet 2551 Magmeter.

8.1 Volume Method of Calibration
Use the volume method of calibration if the À uid passing the magmeter can be measured by a volumetric method (as in a vessel of
known volume, or by weight). It requires the ability to pump a known volume of water past the magmeter, and then input the volume into
the 2551 program. It is most useful for small pipes and lower À ow rates.

When performed properly, volumetric calibration is the most accurate method. For best results a ¿ ve minute test period is
recommended, and the test period should be no less than two minutes.

Press Enter

To Start

Enter Volume

000000. GPM



Value must be

more than 0.0


Out of Range

Press Enter

To Stop

Using the information from the VOLUME method, the 2551 will recalculate a new K-Factor. Press
ENTER to accept the new value, or use the keypad to adjust the value.

This message appears if the new K-Factor is less than 0.0001 or greater than 999999.
To correct the problem, perform the volumetric À ow again, and be certain that the volume entered
is accurate.




Signet Magmeter




1234.56 GPM

876543.21 >

Enter Menu


Enter Menu



Enter Menu



Set New Flowrate





Out of Range

NOTE: The Security Code must be entered
before selecting the calibration method.

Enter Code