Burkert Type 8056 User Manual
Page 21

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Serial port settings:
• Data bits: 8
• Parity: none (no parity)
• Stop bits: 1
• Flow control: none (no control lines no xon/xoff characters used)
The information are entered as text line strings, with one or more command-sequences terminated by the
character. The command-sequences are executed in the same order as they are found in the string. The execution of
the commands contained in the input string does not start until the
character that may follows the
similar application sends also this extra character when the
As a rule, an input string is composed of one or more command-sequences, terminated by the
an optional
The command-sequence is composed by the following elements, exactly in this order:
A five-letter mnemonic command, always present
An operator, always present
An optional value, present only when requested by the operator type
An optional comment-separator, may be present if it is also present the value
A comment, present only if it is also present the comment-separator
An optional command-separator, present only if another command-sequence follows it
With the exception of the comment element, no other extra characters or spaces are allowed in the command-
Command: The commands are always represented by a five-letters mnemonic code and are case insensitive, so for
example the command MODSV can be written “MODSV”, “Modsv”, “modsv”, “mOdSv” and in any combination of
upper / lower case letters.
Operator: The operators permit to choose one of the three possible functions associated to the command at which
they are attached and they are:
READ, indicated by the ? symbol. It is used to read values.
SET, indicated by the = symbol. It is used to set values.
HELP, indicated by the =? sequence of symbols. It is used to display a set of options or a range of permissible
values related to the command.
Value: The values can be numbers, strings or special formatted fields like the date / time or the IP addresses,
depending on what it is expected by the command.
Numeric values are always checked for validity range and strings are checked for length.