Franklin Fueling Systems TS-DIM User Manual
Page 27

TS-DIM Installation on a T5 Series Console
Some sites and dispenser configurations may require the use of a second DIM module that would be installed externally
to perform reconciliation or VRM. The information below outlines the special installation steps required to install a second
TS-DIM on a T5 series console. A second DIM may be required if you exceed the following number of fueling points,
based on dispenser/POS type
Dispenser / POS # of Fueling Points
Hardware Configuration
In order for the external TS-DIM module to communicate properly with the T5 series console a few jumpers will need to be
adjusted. To make these adjustments the cover of the TS-DIM will need to be removed to access the jumpers.
Device Address
The internal DIM module in the T5 series console will always be addressed as zero. By default an external TS-DIM will
come shipped with an address of zero also. For these two devices to exist on the same system the external TS-DIM will
need to have it’s address changed to one. Set the external TS-DIM’s address to one by placing a jumper on row 6 of W2.
See Figure Below
Communication Settings
Once the external DIM has been addressed properly the communications for the Host 1 port will need to be changed to
match the internal DIM communication settings. The internal DIM’s communication settings are: 9600 Baud Rate, 8 Data
Bits, No Parity. To properly configure the communication setting on the external DIM you will need to place jumpers on
the following rows 1, 2, and 3 of W1.See Figure Below
Figure 20: TS-DIM Jumper Detail