B&B Electronics ZXT9-MB2A-KIT - Manual User Manual

Page 52

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Document Number: ZXTxRM-5110m






Networking and Security

: Set/read the channel number (Uses

802.15.4 channel numbers). The range is 0xC to 0x17.


: Set the PAN (Personal Area Network) ID. Use 0xFFFF to

send message to all PAN's. The range is 0x0 to 0xFFFF.

DH – Destination Address High

: Set/read the upper 32 bits of the 64

bit destination address. Set the DH register to zero and DL less than
0xFFFF to transmit using a 16 bit address. 0x000000000000FFFF is the
broadcast address for the PAN. The range is 0x0 to 0xFFFFFFFF.

DL – Destination Address Low

: Set/read the lower 32 bits of the 64 bit

destination address. Set the DH register to zero and DL less than
0xFFFF to transmit using a 16 bit address. 0x000000000000FFFF is
the broadcast address for the PAN. The range is 0x0 to 0xFFFFFFFF

MY – 16 Bit Source Address

: Set/read the 16 bit source address for

the modem. Set MY = 0xFFFF to disable reception of packets with 16
bit addresses. 64 bit source address is the serial number and is always
enabled. The range is 0x0 to 0xFFFF.

RM – Random Delay Slots

: Set/Read the minimum value of the back-

off exponent in the CSMA-CA algorithm that is used for collision
avoidance. If RN=0, collision avoidance is disabled during the first
iteration of the algorithm (802.15.4 - macMinBE). The range is 0x0 to

MM – Mack Code

: Set/Read MAC Mode value. MAC Mode

enables/disables the use of a the header in the 802.15.4 RF packet.
When Mode 0 is enabled (MM=0), duplicate packet detection is enabled
as well as certain AT commands. Modes 1 and 2 are strict 802.15.4
modes. This is a pull down option. Selections are:

0 – 802.15.4 + MaxStream



1 – 802.15.4 No ACKS’s
2 – 802.15.4 With ACK’s

CE – Coordinator Enable

: Set/Read the coordinator setting. This is a

pull down option. Selections are:

0 - End Device
1 - Coordinator.

SC – Scan Channels

: Read/set list of channels to scan for Active and

Energy Scans as bitfield. Scans may be initiated by ATAS, ATED
commands and during End Device Association and Coordinator startup:
Bit 15 - Ch. 0x1A . . . Bit 0 -Ch. 0x0B (bits 15, 14 and 0 not available on
ZLinx). The range is 0x0 to 0xFFFF.

SD – Scan Duration

: Set read the Scan duration exponent. The

exponent configures the duration of the active scan during association.
Set End Device SD = BE of beaconing coordinator. Scan Time = N* (2
^ SD) * 15.36ms. N=# channels: ZLinx = 16, ZLinx/Pro = 13. The range
is 0x0 to 0x0F.

A1 – End Device Association

: Set/read End Device association

options. Options enabled when bits are set: bit3 - Poll coordinator on pin
wake, bit2 - Auto Associate, bit1 - Allow Channel reassignment, bit0 -
Allow PanId reassignment. This is a pull down option. Selections are:

0 – 0000b