B&B Electronics ZXT9-MB2A-KIT - Manual User Manual
Page 16

Document Number: ZXTxRM-5110m
3.5.2 ZXT24-RM Supplied Antenna
Your Zlinx Xtreme 2.4 GHz product comes supplied with a “rubber duck” style antenna
which can be articulated up to 90 degrees. Then antenna is a ¼ wave dipole with an omni
directional pattern and vertical polarization.
It is recommended that your Zlinx Xtreme product be mounted with the antenna on the
top, perpendicular with the horizon
Figure 3-9
ZXT24-RM Supplied Antenna
Impedance 50Ω
Connector RPSMA
2.0 Max (in-band)
Gain 2.1
Polarization Vertical
Replacement Part Number
3.6 Optional Antennas
3.6.1 Omni Antenna Description
In some applications, a higher gain Omni directional antenna may be required. An Omni-
directional antenna is an antenna system which radiates power uniformly in one plane with
a directive pattern shape in a perpendicular plane. This pattern is often described as
"donut shaped". Omni-directional antenna can be used to link multiple directional
antennas in outdoor point-to-multipoint communication.
Omni Directional antennas are a good choice if you need to mount your antenna on a
mast to increase its elevation. Please note that mounting brackets must also be
purchased. Also note that these antennas have an N style connector. Refer to section 3.9
to select the correct cable.