B&B Electronics ZXT9-MB2A-KIT - Manual User Manual
Page 49
Document Number: ZXTxRM-5110m
LH – Wake-up Initializer Timer
: Set/read time of the Wake-up
Initializer used to wake remote radios that are in cyclic sleep mode.
Time of Wake-up Initializer should be longer than that of the remotes
radio's cyclic sleep cycle (SM 4-8). The range is 0x0 to 0xFF.
PW – Pin Wake-up
: Select pin wake-up options. When PW=1, pin
wake-up from Cyclic Sleep Mode is enabled. This is a pull down option.
Selections are:
0 – Disable
1 – Enable
Command Mode Options
– Commands that change AT command
mode behavior.
Figure 5-28 Command Mode Options (ZXT9-RM)
BT – Guard Time Before
: Set/read required DI pin silent time before
the Command Sequence Characters of the Command Mode Sequence
(BT+CC_AT). The DI silent time is used to prevent inadvertent entrance
into Command Mode. The range is 0x0 to 0xFFFF.
CC – Command Sequence Character
: Set/read ASCII character to be
used between Guard Times of the AT Command Mode Sequence
(BT+CC+AT). The AT Command Mode Sequence causes the radio
modem to enter Command Mode (from Idle Mode).
The range is 0x20 to 0x7F.
AT – Guard Time After
: Set/read required DI pin silent time after the
Command Sequence Characters of the AT Command Mode Sequence
(BT+CC+AT). The DI silent time is used to prevent inadvertent entrance
into Command Mode. The range is 0x2 to 0x7FFC.
CT – Command Mode Timeout
: Set/read time period of inactivity (no
valid commands received) after which the radio modem automatically
exits from Command Mode and returns to Idle Mode. The range is 0x2
to 0xFFFF.