B&B Electronics ZXT9-MB2A-KIT - Manual User Manual

Page 21

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Document Number: ZXTxRM-5110m






Along with the type of cable, you need to select the correct connector. Our product uses an RPSMA
Male (plug) connector. Therefore, you will need a cable that has a RPSMA Female (jack) on one end.
If you are using one of the optional antennas, you will need an N type Male connector, since these
antennas have an N type Female on them. If you are extending the included antenna, you will need
an RPSMA Male (plug) since the supplied antenna has an RPSMA female (jack).

Antenna Cable Part Numbers

We have a variety of standard cables available for purchase. The cable part number is relatively easy
to interpret.


TTTT = Cable Type (400M = LMR400, 195M = LMR195, 100M = LMR195)

AA = Connector A (NM = N-Male, SL = RPSMA Male (Plug)
BB = Connector B (NM = N-Male, SL = RPSMA Male (Plug)
In most cases, this portion of the part number will be NMSL for Zlinx Xtreme products.

LLLL = Length in inches (ex: 6 = six inches, leading zeros are not necessary)

So, 400M-NMSL-24 is an LMR400 cable with a N Male on one end and a RPSMA plug on the other,
24 inches in length.

3.8 Lightening Arrestors


When installed properly, a lightning arrestor can prevent damage to your radio due to high energy
transients during lightning strikes. Our arrestors limit surges to less than 45 volts in approximately 100
nanoseconds. A gas discharge tube changes from an open circuit to a short circuit in the presence of
energy and voltage surges giving those surges a direct path to ground, thus protecting equipment.
They are designed with a rugged housing and high quality plated brass "N" connectors. It also
features a user replaceable gas discharge tube (LA350GT). They are available in three models: the
LABH350NN and the LABH2400N both allow bulkhead mounting and connector pass-through and the
LAIL350NN allows inline placement only.