B&B Electronics OP10 - Manual User Manual
Page 25

Enter a new password, change the original password or set the priorities of the passwords.
For example, enter “5678” , choose the priority “Mid-Level” and click “Ok”. Then the password is
There are at most 6 passwords which can be set in OP10. Those passwords are classified into
3 ranks. “High-level” has the highest priority with “Low-Level” having the lowest. For example,
if one specific key need a “Mid-Level” password to react, now inputting “Low-Level” password is
useless. You can input “Mid-Level” or “High-Level” password to run this function.
When the operator press the key [ENT], the OP10 will pop up a password enter window.
Appointed data can be changed only when the priority of the entered password the same as or
higher than the one of the registers, users can modify appointed data.
The password is effective only once. Users need to input the password again, when they want
to modify the data for a second time.
Limit Set
The designer can set limits to the data to make the data out of limits invalid. Thus the
possible damage done by inputting data too great or tiny is avoided. For example, let the
maximum input be 9000 and the minimum be 0. The setting value will be written into the
register only when it is between 0 and 9000, or the system will halt until a correct value is
Original and Project data
After selecting the “Limit Set” checkbox, the designer can select the original data or the
project data from the list.
Original data
The original data option means that the data in the register will be displayed without any
operation. The position of the decimal point is determined by the value of the “Decimal”