B&B Electronics OP10 - Manual User Manual
Page 17

Users can choose “Bit element” or “word element”.
When users choose bit element, dynamic text relates with the status of the select
variable inside the PLC. The corresponding text can be set to 0 or 1, two kinds of status .
The picture below shows bit text:
When M0 is 0, the dynamic text shows “M0=0”. By contraries, it shows “M0=1”.
If the dynamic text corresponding to word element, it can keep the texts corresponding
to as many as 32 different statuses.
Display Text
Log the different text content corresponding to different values of the data register. It
can keep the texts corresponding to as many as 32 different statuses. The value of the text can
be inconsecutive. Consumers can input the value themselves.
Example: Display the dynamic text controlled by register D10. The dynamic text to be
displayed has three statuses: “In gear”, “Temp. Lower” and “Position arrived”. The three
texts correspond to the D10 register value 2a, 30e and d43f (HEX form) respectively. Input
“2a” in the “Value” space of the first row and “In gear” in the “Context” space on the right.
Input the other two statuses in the same way. If the value of register D10 is 2a, the dynamic
text be displayed is “In gear”. If it is 30e, “Temp Lower” will be displayed. Other conditions
can be inferred from the two examples above. The example is shown in the figure below: