Installation guide, Data outputs – Veris Industries H84xx Install User Manual

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Alta Labs, Enercept, Enspector, Hawkeye, Trustat, Veris, and the Veris ‘V’ logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Veris Industries, L.L.C. in the USA and/or other countries.






R=Read only, R/W=Read/Write


Value is stored in non-volatile memory


UInt: Unsiged 16-bit integer, read most significant Byte (MSB) first.

SInt: Signed 16-bit integer, read most significant Byte (MSB) first.

ULong: Unsigned 32-bit integer; Upper 16-bits Most Significant Word (MSW), in
lowest numbered register (257/258)=MSW/LSW)

Float: 32-bit floating point; encoded per IEEE Standard 754 single precision; Upper
16-bits Most Significant Word (MSW) in lowest numbered register (257/258)=MSW/

Scale Factor/Multiplier

Integer Registers must be multiplied by this value to be read correctly in the given
units. Scale Factors I, V, W, and E are configurable (see registers 138-141).

Defaults are: I = 0.01, V = 0.1, W = 0.01, E = 0.01

Modbus Commands Supported

0X03: Read holding registers
0x04: Read input registers
0x06: Preset single register
0x10: Preset multiple registers
0x11: Report ID

Return string:

byte0: address

byte1: 0x11

byte2: #bytes following w/out crc

byte3: ID byte = 250

bytes4: status = 0xFF

bytes5+: ID string = “H84__ Power Meter”

last 2 bytes: CRC

0x2B: Read Device Identification, BASIC implementation (0x00, 0x01 and 0x02 data),

Conformity Level 1.

Object Values:

0x01: Vendor Name = “Veris Industries”

0x02: Product Code = “H84__”

0x03: Major/Minor Revision = “Vxx.yyy”, where xx.yyy is the OS version

number (reformatted version of the Modbus register #7001, (Firm

ware Version, Operating System). If register #7001 == 12345, then

the 0x03 data would be “V12.345”).

When the Operating System is erased, only registers 7000-7162 are available. Regis-
ter 7001 (Firmware Version, Operating System) will read as 0 in this condition.

Extended Data Set (EDS), Full Data Set (FDS)

Amps, Current Neutral
kVAh, Consumption
kVARh, Consumption
Minimum Real power
Maximum Real power
KVA, Apparent Power, Per Phase
KVAR, Reactive Power, Per Phase
KW, Total Real Power Present Demand
KVA, Total Apparent Power Present Demand
KVAR, Total Reactive Power Present Demand
KW, Total Real Power Max Demand
KVA, Total Apparent Power Max Demand
KVAR, Total Reactive Power Max Demand
THD, Voltage A-N, B-N, C-N
THD, Voltage A-B, B-C, A-C
THD, Current, Per Phase
Usage Hours
Usage Minutes
Total Hours
Total Minutes

Full Data Set (FDS)

kWh, Consumption
kW, Real Power
kVAR, Reactive power
kVA, Apparent power
Power factor
Voltage, line to line
Voltage, line to neutral
Amps, Average current
kW, Real power ØA
kW, Real power ØB
kW, Real power ØC
Power factor ØA
Power factor ØB
Power factor ØC
Voltage, ØA to ØB
Voltage, ØB to ØC
Voltage, ØA to ØC
Voltage, ØA to Neutral
Voltage, ØB to Neutral
Voltage, ØC to Neutral
Amps, Current ØA
Amps, Current ØB
Amps, Current ØC