Installation guide – Veris Industries H8822 Install User Manual

Page 21

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Uploading data to the BMO website.

After the AcquiSuite DR has been configured and has logged some data, you will want
to collect the data for analysis. There are several ways of collecting the data from
the AcquiSuite DR including the Building Manager Online service. Other methods are
noted in the data collection FAQ. This section details configuring the AcquiSuite DR
for use with the BMO service.

First, use your browser to connect to the AcquiSuite DR. Select the Modbus/Setup


section from the menu on the left. In the field titled “Modbus Loop Name” enter
a name for this AcquiSuite DR to uniquely identify it on the BMO website. Because
the BMO site can show multiple AcquiSuite DR devices, it is important to have a
descriptive name in this field.

Select the “Log File Data”, “Setup/Upload” menu option. The following features


are available:

AcquiSuite DR Serial Number: This is the serial number that uniquely

identifies this AcquiSuite DR. This number can not be changed. When
uploading data to the BMO website, this serial number is used to identify
the AcquiSuite DR to the BMO server.
Scheduled upload time: This option allows you to control when the

AcquiSuite DR will initiate the upload process. You can select any hour of
the day, and the AcquiSuite DR will select some time at random within
that hour to start the upload. The random feature allows multiple
AcquiSuite DR devices to share a single dialup account or phone line by
not starting the dialout at the sam
time for all devices. If the AcquiSuite DR is on a LAN connection (DSL,
Modem, T1, etc) an upload time of “hourly” may be selected.
Upload data on alarm status change will cause the AcquiSuite DR to

initiate the upload process if any point on any modbus device enters or
leaves an alarm state. This allows the AcquiSuite DR to send data when an
alarm is detected, and will upload that information to the BMO website
in a timely manner. The BMO website will then send email notifications if
necessary. If this option is disabled, the BMO website may not be able to
send notifications until the end of the day when the AcquiSuite DR calls in
at its specified upload time.
Upload data on low disk alarm: This feature will cause the AcquiSuite DR

to attempt a data upload immediately if the log file storage area is more
than 75% full.
Allow remote modbus device configuration: If enabled, users may

remotely configure alarms and other modbus device features on the BMO
website. When the AcquiSuite DR uploads data to the BMO website, it
will also download any new configuration information as needed. Note: if
configuration changes are made to the AcquiSuite DR, those changes will
be uploaded to the BMO site. If configuration changes are made at both
the AcquiSuite DR and the BMO website, the most recent changes will be
Target Address to upload data: This is the website URL to upload data to.

This should always be set to “
upload.php” unless you are configuring the AcquiSuite DR to send data to
your own internal database server.
Password to upload data: This password is used by the BMO webserver

to verify the AcquiSuite DR device authentication before accepting the
uploaded data. You should select a password other than the default, and
make note of it for future reference.
Number of times to retry: In the event of a failure (often due to dialup

problems, busy signals, etc) this option specifies the number of retries to
attempt the upload again. If all retries fail, the AcquiSuite DR will wait
until the next scheduled upload time before trying again.
Time to wait before retry: In the event of a failure, the AcquiSuite DR can

be configured to wait for a specified period of time before attempting
another connection. This option specifies how long to wait before

Contact the Veris Technical Support department. Please have the AcquiSuite


DR serial number and password to upload data handy. Your tech support
representative will confirm your BMO account and will add the AcquiSuite DR to
one of your client databases.

Click the “Upload Data Now” button. Your data should be sent to the BMO



For more detailed information about the transfer process, use the Connection Test


page in the Testing/Diags menu on the AcquiSuite for a full report of the data
upload progress.