Destination path & xml scan, Xtaccess, Destination path – EVS INSIO Version 1.0 - October 2009 User's Manual User Manual
Page 22

INSIO Version 1.0 – User Manual
EVS Broadcast Equipment – October 2009
Issue 1.0.D
%CYEAR Creation
ID material of the clip
%BDATE Backup
%BMONTH Backup
%BYEAR Backup
%BDAY Backup
Camera ID (from XTAccess)
Camera Label (from XTAccess)
%CNB Clip
Clip Name (from XTAccess)
UmID of the clip
XT or XS Server GigE IP address
XT or XS Server Name
Destination Path & XML Scan
This setting allows you to select the destination path to transfer the files to.
This column lists all the XTAccess available.
The XTAccess, or the list of XTAccess, must have been defined in Setup >
System > Hardware > XTAccess. Refer to section ‘XTAccess’ on page 26.
Choose one XTAccess, which will be used to transfer files, by selecting the
checkbox in the Use column.
Destination path
This option allows the selection of one destination folder which will be used to
transfer the files to.
The list of destination paths must have been defined in Setup > System >
Hardware > XTAccess.
When several destination paths have been defined, one of them can be chosen by
selecting the destination path field and then viewing the list with the drop-down
arrow which will appear.