Tektronix Grass Valley 3000 User Manual
Page 275

generator, graphics camera, etc. The title
fill may be either a matte or title video.
A device for converting one
component form to another, as in RGB to Y,
R-Y, B-Y. Also called a translator.
An operation which changes
backgrounds and/or adds or removes
titles. A transition can be in the form of a
wipe, mix, or cut.
Vertical Interval:
The portion of the
video signal that occurs between the end
of one field and the beginning of the next.
During this time, the electron beams in the
monitors are turned off so that they can
return from the bottom of the screen to the
top to begin another scan.
An electrical signal used to carry
visual information. Composite video
includes sync and blanking signals.
Noncomposite video does not include
sync and blanking.
Video Key:
A self key or chroma key in
which the fill signal is video from the
video key source or a matte from one of
the matte generators.
A transition between two video
signals that is defined by the shape of a
pre-selected pattern. The movement of the
pattern edge is controlled by the Mix/
Effects lever arm or by an Auto Transition
operation. As the pattern edge moves, one
video signal replaces the other.
Wipe Solid:
A voltage value in a wipe
generator that represents a 3-dimensional
geometric shape, such as a cone, which can
be “sliced” by a comparator to create a
circle pattern
Wipe Pattern:
The shape and/or
rotation of the pattern edge between two
video signals in a wipe transition.
A unit of data which occupies one
location in memory and is acted upon as a
unit. (Also see Bit and Byte.)
The luminance (brightness) portion of
a component video signal.
Y, R-Y, B-Y (Y, CR, CB):
A set of color
component video signals with separate
luminance and chrominance.