13 operator interface, Attention – Toshiba G8000 User Manual

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G8000 Series Installation and operation Manual

13 Operator Interface

Table 13.1 shows the functions of the operating buttons on the graphic display panel.


Press an operating button for at least 0.5 seconds to change UPS modes. Press

the reset button for at least 5 seconds to reset the UPS.
The UpS may not respond if the button press is too short.

TABLE 13.1 BUTTON AND INDICATOR FUNCTIONS (See fig. 13.1 and 13.2)





operATIon loCK

enables/disables the buttons rUn, STop, UpS, bypASS, FloAT/eQUAl, and reSeT.


STop bUTTon

Stops the UpS. Transfers to bypass power if available.


rUn bUTTon

Starts the UpS. Transfers the unit from bypass to UpS power.


FloAT/eQUAl bUTTon

Changes recharge mode between float charge and equalize charge.


SCroll Up bUTTon

Scrolls the lCD screens up.


SCroll Down bUTTon

Scrolls the lCD screens down.


reSeT bUTTon

reset UpS faults and warnings shown on the lCD. (See Section 13.5)


UpS bUTTon

Transfers from bypass operation to normal operation.


bypASS bUTTon

Transfers from normal operation to bypass operation.

10 epo bUTTon

“on” during bypass Supply.

11 lCD DISplAy

Displays the operational, status, and warning/fault messages.

12 UpS SUpply leD

“FlASHeS” during STArT or STop sequence “on” when operating in inverter mode.

13 ConVerTer leD

“on” after DC bus capacitors are fully charged through the converter.

14 AC InpUT leD

“on” with nominal AC input. “FlASHeS” with AC input under-voltage (85%).

15 FloAT CHArGe leD

“ON” during float charge.

16 eQUAlIZe CHArGe leD

“on” during equalize charge or protection charge while battery oH contact open.

17 bATTery leD

“on” when battery is connected. (aux-contact on)

18 DISCHArGe leD

“on” during battery discharge.

19 bypASS InpUT leD

“on” with nominal bypass input. “FlASHeS” when bypass is under-voltage (85%).

20 wArnInG leD

normally “oFF”. “on” when warning displayed on lCD. “FlASHeS” when AC input is abnormal.

21 FAUlT leD

normally “oFF”. “on” when faults occur.

22 InVerTer leD

lamp “FlASHeS” during STArT or STop sequence. “on” when inverter is operating.

23 UpS leD

“on” when the inverter output is connected to the UpS output.

24 AC oUTpUT leD

“on” with AC output connected to the bypass/inverter sources.

25 bypASS leD

“on” when the bypass power supplies the load