Roland SC-88 Pro User Manual
Page 92

RT L Slow (RT Low Frequency Slow Rate)
0.05 - 10.0 [6]
Adjust the speed of the low-range rotor for the low-
speed (Slow) setting.
RT L Fast (RT Low Frequency Fast Rate)
0.05 - 10.0 [7]
Adjust the speed of the low-range rotor for the high-
speed (Fast) setting.
RT Lo Accl (RT Low Frequency Acceleration)
0 - 15 [8]
Adjust the time over which the rotation speed of the
low-range rotor will change from low-speed to high-
speed (or high-speed to low-speed) rotation.
Smaller values will require greater time to reach the
new rotational speed.
RT Lo Lev (RT Low Frequency Level) 0 - 127 [9]
Adjust the volume of the low-range rotor.
RT H Slow (RT High Frequency Slow Rate)
0.05 - 10.0 [10]
Adjust the speed of the high-range rotor for the low-
speed (Slow) setting.
RT H Fast (RT High Frequency Fast Rate)
0.05 - 10.0 [11]
Adjust the speed of the high-range rotor for the
high-speed (Fast) setting.
RT Hi Accl (RT High Frequency Acceleration)
0 - 15 [12]
Adjust the time over which the rotation speed of the
high-range rotor will change from low-speed to
high-speed (or high-speed to low-speed) rotation.
Smaller values will require greater time to reach the
new rotational speed.
RT Hi Lev (RT High Frequency Level)
0 - 127 [13]
Adjust the volume of the high-range rotor.
RT Sept (RT Separation)
0 - 127 [14]
Adjust the spread of the rotary sound.
#RT Speed
Slow/Fast [15]
Simultaneously switch the rotational speed of both
the low-range and the high-range rotors.
: Slow down the rotation to the speci-
fied speeds (RT L Slow parameter /
RT H Slow parameter values).
: Speed up the rotation to the specified
speeds (RT L Fast parameter / RT H
Fast parameter values).
RT Pan (RT Output Pan)
L63 - 0 - R63 [18]
Adjust the stereo position of the rotary sound. L63
is far left, 0 is center, and R63 is far right.
RT Level
0 - 127 [19]
Adjust the volume of the rotary sound.
Level (Output level )
0 - 127 [20]
Adjust the output level.
64: PH / AutoWah (Phaser, Auto-wah)
[11H, 08H]
This connects a Phaser effect and an Auto-wah effect
in parallel.
PH Man (Phaser Manual)
100 - 8.0k [1]
Adjust the center frequency at which the phaser
sound will be modulated.
+PH Rate (Phaser Rate)
0.05 - 10.0 [2]
Adjust the modulation speed of the phaser.
PH Depth (Phaser Depth)
0 - 127 [3]
Adjust the modulation depth of the phaser.
PH Reso (Phaser Resonance)
0 - 127 [4]
Adjust the emphasis for the region around the cen-
ter frequency specified by the PH Man parameter.
PH Mix (Phaser Mix Level)
0 - 127 [5]
Adjust the proportion of the phase-shifted sound
that will be mixed with the direct sound.
PH Pan (Phaser Output Pan)
L63 - 0 - R63 [16]
Set the stereo location of the phaser sound. L63 is
far left, 0 is center, and R63 is far right.
PH Level (Phaser Level)
0 - 127 [17]
Adjust the volume of the phaser sound.
AW Filter (Auto-wah Filter Type)
Select the type of filter for the auto-wah.
: The wah effect will be produced over
a broad frequency range.
: The wah effect will be produced over
a narrow frequency range.
AW Sens (Auto-wah Sensitivity)
0 - 127 [7]
Adjust the sensitivity with which the auto-wah filter
will be modulated.
Auto Wah
Chapter 4. Insertion Effects