Roland SC-88 Pro User Manual
Page 88

#Dly Bal (Delay balance )
D> 0E - D 0 Adjust the volume balance between the direct and “ D ” or “ E ” on the display respectively means D(direct sound) or E(effect sound) values of 100. Dly Pan (Delay Output Pan) L63 - 0 - R63 [18] Adjust the stereo position of the delay sound. L63 is Dly Level (Delay Level) 0 - 127 [19] Adjust the volume of the delay sound. Level (Output level ) 0 - 127 [20] Adjust the output level. 58: Cho / Flanger (Chorus / Flanger) [11H, 02H] This effect connects a chorus and a flanger in parallel. Cho Dly (Chorus pre delay ) 0 - 100m [1] Adjust the time delay from when the direct sound Cho Rate (Chorus rate ) 0.05 - 10.0 [2] Adjust the modulation speed of the chorus effect. Cho Depth (Chorus depth ) 0 - 127 [3] Adjust the modulation depth of the chorus effect. +Cho Bal (Chorus balance ) D> 0E - D 0 Adjust the volume balance between the direct and “ D ” or “ E ” on the display respectively means D(direct sound) or E(effect sound) values of 100. Cho Pan (Chorus Output Pan) L63 - 0 - R63 [16] Adjust the stereo position of the chorus sound. L63 Cho Level (Chorus Level) 0 - 127 [17] Adjust the volume of the chorus sound. FL Dly (Flanger pre delay ) 0 - 100m [6] Adjust the time delay from when the direct sound FL Rate (Flanger rate ) 0.05 - 10.0 [7] Adjust the modulation speed of the flanger effect. FL Depth (Flanger depth ) 0 - 127 [8] Adjust the modulation depth of the flanger effect. FL Fb (Flanger feedback level ) -98% - +98% [9] Adjust the proportion (%) of the flanger sound that #FL Bal (Flanger balance ) D> 0E - D 0 Adjust the volume balance between the direct and “ D ” or “ E ” on the display respectively means D(direct sound) or E(effect sound) values of 100. FL Pan (Flanger Output Pan) L63 - 0 - R63 [18] Adjust the stereo position of the flanger sound. L63 FL Level (Flanger Level) 0 - 127 [19] Adjust the volume of the flanger sound. Level (Output level ) 0 - 127 [20] Adjust the output level. 59: OD1 / OD2 (Overdrive / Distortion1,2)| [11H, 03H] This connects two effect units in parallel, each of OD1 Sel (OD1 Select) Odrv/Dist [1] Select either Overdrive or Distortion for set 1. +OD1 Drive (OD1 Drive) 0 - 127 [2] Adjust the depth of distortion for set 1. The volume OD1 Amp (OD1 Amp Simulator Type) Small/BltIn/2-Stk/3-Stk [3] Select the type of guitar amp for set 1. Small : small amp BltIn : single-unit type amp 2-Stk : large double stack amp 3-Stk : large triple stack amp L R Chorus Flanger Balance Pan Pan L R Overdrive/ Distortion 2 Overdrive/ Distortion 1 Pan Pan Chapter 4. Insertion Effects 86
the delay sound.
far left, 0 is center, and R63 is far right.
begins until the chorus sound is heard.
the chorus sound.
is far left, 0 is center, and R63 is far right.
begins until the flanger sound is heard.
is fed back into the effect. Negative (-) settings will
invert the phase.
the flanger sound.
is far left, 0 is center, and R63 is far right.
which allows you to select Overdrive or Distortion.
will change together with the depth of distortion.