Roland SC-88 Pro User Manual
Page 79

Cho Dly (Chorus pre delay )
0 - 100m [1]
Adjust the time delay from when the direct sound
begins until the chorus sound is heard.
Cho Rate (Chorus rate )
0.05 - 10.0 [2]
Adjust the modulation speed of the chorus effect.
Cho Depth (Chorus depth )
0 - 127 [3]
Adjust the modulation depth of the chorus effect.
+Cho Bal (Chorus balance )
D> 0E - D 0 Adjust the volume balance between the direct “ D ” or “ E ” on the display respectively means D(direct sound) or E(effect sound) values of 100. FL Dly (Flanger pre delay time ) 0 - 100m [6] Adjust the time delay from when the direct sound FL Rate (Flanger rate ) 0.05 - 10.0 [7] Adjust the modulation speed of the flanger effect. FL Depth (Flanger depth ) 0 - 127 [8] Adjust the modulation depth of the flanger effect. FL Fb (Flanger feedback level ) -98% - +98% [9] Adjust the proportion (%) of the flanger sound that #FL Bal (Flanger balance ) D> 0E - D 0 Adjust the volume balance between the sound “ D ” or “ E ” on the display respectively means D(direct sound) or E(effect sound) values of 100. Low Gain -12 - +12 [17] Adjust the low frequency gain. Hi Gain (High gain ) -12 - +12 [18] Adjust the high frequency gain. Level (Output level ) 0 - 127 [20] Adjust the output level. ❍ Effects that connect three or more types of 47: Rotary Multi [03H, 00H] This connects Overdrive (OD), 3-band equalizer (EQ), +OD Drive 0 - 127 [1] Adjust the depth of distortion. The volume will OD Sw (Overdrive Switch) Off/On [2] Turn the Overdrive effect on/off. EQ L Gain (EQ Low Gain) -12 - +12 [3] Adjust the low range gain of the equalizer. EQ M Fq (EQ Mid Frequency) 200 - 6.3k [4] Set the center frequency for the equalizer mid- EQ M Q (EQ Mid Q) 0.5/1.0/2.0/4.0/9.0 [5] Adjust the width of the area centered at the EQ M EQ M Gain (EQ Mid Gain) -12 - +12 [6] Adjust the gain of the area specified by the EQ M EQ H Gain (EQ High Gain) -12 - +12 [7] Adjust the high-range gain of the equalizer. RT L Slow (RT Low Frequency Slow Rate) 0.05 - 10.0 [8] Adjust the speed of the low-range rotor for the low- RT L Fast (RT Low Frequency Fast Rate) 0.05 - 10.0 [9] Adjust the speed of the low-range rotor for the high- RT Lo Accl (RT Low Frequency Accelaration) 0 - 15 [10] Adjust the time over which the rotation speed of the RT Lo Lev (RT Low Frequency Level) 0 - 127 [11] Adjust the volume of the low-range rotor. RT H Slow (RT High Frequency Slow Rate) 0.05 - 10.0 [12] Adjust the speed of the high-range rotor for the low- L R Rotary EQ Over Chapter 4. Insertion Effects 77
sound and the chorus sound. With a setting of “D>
0E,” only the direct sound will be output. With a set-
ting of “D 0
begins until the flanger sound is heard.
is fed back into the effect. Negative (-) settings will
invert the phase.
which passes through the flanger and the sound
which does not. With a setting of D>0E, only the
chorus sound will be output, and with a setting of D
effect in series (series 3 / series 4 / series
and Rotary (RT) effects in series.
change together with the depth of distortion.
Fq setting in which the gain will be affected. The
area affected will become narrower as this value is
Fq parameter and the EQ M Q parameter.
speed (Slow) setting.
speed (Fast) setting.
low-range rotor will change from low-speed to high-
speed (or high-speed to low-speed) rotation.
Smaller values will require greater time to reach the
new rotational speed.
speed (Slow) setting.