Partitioning process, Partition configuration process, Sl console partition workspace – Sun Microsystems StorageTek Modular Library System SL500 User Manual
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Partitioning Process
96116 • Revision: KA
Chapter 6 Library Partitioning 153
Partitioning Process
Note –
Starting with SL500 firmware version 1300 and SL Console version FRS_4.00,
library partitioning upgrades must be installed through the SL500 licensing utility.
Partitioning established on a library prior to version 1300 is retained permanently. See
Chapter 4, “Licensing”
for details.
Partition Configuration Process
When configuring library partitions for the first time, it is recommended that you use
the library partition screens in the following sequence:
1. Instructions (Step 1)—Review summary instructions for the partition configuration
2. Summary (Step 2)—Display summary partition configuration and host-partition
connection information. Optionally access other screens to perform the following
Add Partition
Modify Partition
Delete Partition
Add Connection
Modify Connection
Delete Connection
3. Design (Step 3)—Display and optionally modify detailed partition boundary
information. Optionally access other screens to perform the following tasks:
Verify Partition Configurations
Refresh the display with current data from the library controller database
4. Commit (Step 4)—Commit all changes made in the Summary(2) and Design (3)
screens, and all associated popups, to the library controller database. Optionally
access other screens to perform the following task:
Refresh the display with current data from the library controller database
You can use the Reports screen at any time to display, and optionally save or print,
partition configuration information from the library controller database.
SL Console Partition Workspace
The partition Summary (Step 2) and Design (Step 3) screens, and all associated
popups, give you a dynamic workspace to design your library partitions. All partition
configuration information is automatically saved to the partition workspace in
SL Console memory and retained for the duration of your SL Console session. This
allows you to switch among partition views and leave and return to the partition
screens any number of times without losing your configuration changes.