Disable registration using network scanner tools, Settings to disable transmission, Disable [resend] on image send mode – Sharp MX-7001 User Manual

Page 692: Disable selection from address book, Disable direct entry, Disable pc-i-fax transmission, Disable pc-fax transmission, Document filing settings, Disable stamp for reprinting, Batch print settings

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Disable Registering Destination on Web Page
(When network connection is enabled.)
This disables address control from the Web pages.
Configure the setting for each of the following items:

• Group
• E-mail
• Desktop
• Network Folder
• Internet Fax
• Fax

Select All: Select all items.
Clear Checked: Clear all selections.

Disable Registration Using Network Scanner Tools
(When network connection is enabled.)
This disables address control from the Network Scanner

Settings to Disable Transmission

These settings are used to disable the following
transmission operations.

Disable [Resend] on Image Send Mode
This setting disables the [Resend] key in the base
screen of image send mode.

Disable Selection from Address Book
This disables the selection of destinations from the
address book.
Configure the setting for each of the following items:

• E-mail
• Desktop
• Network Folder
• Internet Fax
• Fax

Select All: Select all items.
Clear Checked: Clear all selections.

Disable Direct Entry
This prohibits the direct entry of addresses.
Configure the setting for each of the following items:

• E-mail
• Internet Fax
• Fax

Select All: Select all items.
Clear Checked: Clear all selections.

Disable PC-I-Fax Transmission
(When the Internet fax expansion kit is installed.)
This prohibits PC-I-Fax transmission.

Disable PC-Fax Transmission
(When the facsimile expansion kit is installed.)
This prohibits PC-Fax transmission.

Document Filing Settings

Disable Stamp for Reprinting
When a stored file is retrieved and printed, this setting
prohibits the selection of a "Stamp" setting in the special
modes. If a stamp setting is already selected, it will not
be possible to change the stamp setting.
This function can be used to prevent inconsistencies in
the printed information, such as that of the original date
in the file and the date the file is retrieved and printed.

Batch Print Settings
When printing files by batch printing, this setting is used
to prohibit the selection of the [All Users] key and the
[User Unknown] key in the user selection screen.