Siemens HIPATH 1190 User Manual
Page 90

Step by step
Miscellaneous Functions
Call Forwarding when there is no an-
swer on a for digital lines
In some circumstances incoming calls over an digital
line are forwarded to an Overflow extension after a
specified timeout.
1. When no MSN number is assigned to an extension
2. When a MSN number is assigned to an extension
number. The MSN number incoming call rings at the
extension assigned to it. If the extension that re-
ceived the forwarded call does not answer after a
specified timeout (default of 30 seconds), the call is
rerouted to the Overflow extension.
"Call Forwarding - No Answer With Timeout" is set
using the code 30.
3. When an MSN number is assigned
to an extension number. The extension assigned is
configured for a second Attendant using the code
"*14". The MSN number incoming call rings at the
extension assigned to it. If a call is not answered af-
ter a specified timeout (default of 30 seconds), the
system again reroutes the call to an extension con-
figured as Second Attendant. If the call is still not an-
swered after the specified timeout (default is 30
seconds), the call is rerouted to the Overflow exten-
4. When an MSN number is assigned
to an extension number. The extension assigned is
forwarded to another extension. The incoming MSN
call will ring at the Call Forwarding extension desti-
nation. If the extension that received the forwarded
call does not answer after a specified timeout (de-
fault of 30 seconds), the call is rerouted to the Over-
flow extension.
5. When an MSN number is assigned
to an extension number. The extension assigned is
not able to receive a Call Forwarding signal. For ex-
ample, it may be configured for Data Protection. Seite 90 Mittwoch, 16. August 2006 8:41 08