2 tmrsts–timer status registers (i/o), 3 tmrcnt–timer count registers (i/o) – Intel 460GX User Manual

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Intel® 460GX Chipset Software Developer’s Manual


LPC/FWH Interface Configuration

Register bit definitions are different during the Counter Latch Command than for a normal Timer
Counter Register write. Note that, If a counter is programmed to read/write two-byte counts, a
program must not transfer control between reading the first and second byte to another routine that
also reads from that same counter. Otherwise, an incorrect count will be read.

TMRSTS–Timer Status Registers (I/O)

I/O Address:

Counter 0–040h; Counter 1–041h; Counter 2–042h

Default Value:

Bits[6:0]=X; Bit 7=0


Read Only

Each counter's status byte can be read following an Interval Timer Read Back Command. If latch
status is chosen (bit 4=0, Read Back Command) as a read back option for a given counter, the next
read from the counter's Counter Access Ports Register returns the status byte.

TMRCNT–Timer Count Registers (I/O)

I/O Address:

Counter 0–040h; Counter 1–041h; Counter 2–042h

Default Value:

All bits undefined



Each of these I/O ports is used for writing count values to the Count Registers; reading the current
count value from the counter by either an I/O read, after a counter-latch command, or after a Read
Back Command; and reading the status byte following a Read Back Command.




Counter OUT Pin State. 1=Pin is 1; 0=Pin is 0.


Count Register Status. This bit indicates when the last count written to the Count Register
(CR) has been loaded into the counting element (CE). 0=Count has been transferred from CR
to CE and is available for reading. 1=Count has not been transferred from CR to CE and is not
yet available for reading.


Read/Write Selection Status. Bits[5:4] reflect the read/write selection made through bits[5:4] of
the Control Register.

Bit[5:4] Function

00 Counter Latch Command

01 R/W Least Significant Byte (LSB)

10 R/W Most Significant Byte (MSB)

11 R/W LSB then MSB


Mode Selection Status. Bits[3:1] return the counter mode programming.

Bit[3:1] Mode Selected Bit[3:1] Mode Selected

000 0 X11 3

001 1 100 4

X10 2 101 5


Countdown Type Status. 0=Binary countdown; 1=Binary coded decimal (BCD) countdown.




Counter Port Bits]. Each counter I/O port address is used to program the 16-bit Count
Register. The order of programming, either LSB only, MSB only, or LSB then MSB, is defined
with the Interval Counter Control Register. The counter I/O port is also used to read the current
count from the Count Register and return counter programming status following a Read Back