What is web based management – Brother ADS-3100 High-Speed Desktop Color Scanner for Home & Small Offices User Manual
Page 233
Change Machine Settings from Your Computer
> What is Web Based Management?
What is Web Based Management?
Related Models
: ADS-3300W
Web Based Management is a utility that uses a standard web browser to manage your machine using the Hyper
Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) or Hyper Text Transfer Protocol over Secure Socket Layer (HTTPS).
We recommend Microsoft Internet Explorer 11.0 or later/Microsoft Edge for Windows, Safari 12.0 or
later for Mac, Google Chrome
for Android (4.x or later), and Google Chrome
/Safari for iOS (10.x or
later). Make sure that JavaScript and Cookies are always enabled in whichever browser you use.
Make sure your machine is On and connected to the same network as your computer, and that your
network supports the TCP-IP protocol.
The actual screen may differ from the screen shown above.
Related Information
Change Machine Settings Using Web Based Management