Uussiinngg ssppeecciiaall ppaaggeess, Pprriinnttiinngg c coovveerr ppaaggeess, Pprriinnttiinngg iinnsseerrtt ppaaggeess – Xerox VersaLink C405/DN All-in-One Color Laser Printer User Manual

Page 141

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Ussiinngg SSppeecciiaall PPaaggeess

The Special Pages options control how covers, inserts, and exception pages are added to your printed

• For Windows, the Special Pages tab is on the Document Options tab.

• For Macintosh, in the Print window, in Xerox Features, Special Pages is in the Paper field for Paper/


PPrriinnttiinngg C

Coovveerr PPaaggeess

A cover page is the first or last page of a document. You can select paper sources for the cover pages
that are different from the source used for the body of a document. For example, you can use your
company letterhead for the first page of a document. You can also use heavyweight paper for the
first and last pages of a report. You can use any applicable paper tray as the source for printing cover

Select one of these options for printing cover pages:

No Covers

: This option does not print cover pages. No cover pages are added to the document.

Front Only

: This option prints the first page on paper from the specified tray.

Back Only

: This option prints the back page on paper from the specified tray.

Front and Back: Same

prints the front and back cover pages from the same tray.

Front and Back: Different

prints the front and back cover pages from different trays.

After making a selection for printing the cover pages, you can select the paper for the front and back
covers by size, color, or type. You can also use blank or pre-printed paper, and you can print side one,
side two, or both sides of the cover pages.

PPrriinnttiinngg IInnsseerrtt PPaaggeess

You can add blank or pre-printed insert pages before page one of each document or after designated
pages within a document. Adding an insert after designated pages within a document separates
sections, or acts as a marker or placeholder. Ensure that you specify the paper to use for the insert

Insert Options

provides the options to place an insert After Page X, where X is the specified page,

or Before Page 1.

Insert Quantity

specifies the number of pages to insert at each location.





C405 Color Multifunction Printer

User Guide

