Effects: master 1, 2, Track controls: mode, Effects: master 1, 2 track controls: mode – KORG Pa300 Arranger User Manual

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Effects: Master 1, 2




Effects: Master 1, 2

These pages contain the editing parameters for the four effect
processors. Here is an example of the FX A page, with the Reverb
Wet Plate effect assigned.

Selected effect

Select one of the available effects from this pop-up menu.

FX parameters

Parameters may be different, depending on the selected effect.
See the relevant chapter in the Appendix for a list of the available
parameters for each effect type.


Use this parameter to set the amount of the effect (Wet) against
the non-effected (Dry) signal coming from the track.

Src (Source)

Modulation source. To select the track generating this message,
see the “M.T. (Modulating Track)” parameters found in the
“Effects: A/B FX Configuration” page (see above). See the rele-
vant chapter in the Appendix for a list of the modulation

Track Controls: Mode

This page lets you connect each track to the internal sound gen-
erator and to external devices. This is very useful to play, for
example, a software synthesizer with one of Pa300’s Keyboard or
Style tracks. In addition, here you can set the polyphony mode
for each track.

Int./Ext. (Internal/External)


The track plays the sounds generated by the
internal sound engine. It does not play an exter-
nal (hardware or software) instrument connected
to the USB Device port.


The track plays an external (hardware or soft-
ware) instrument connected to the USB Device
port. The connected device must receive on the
MIDI channel associated with this track on the
Pa300 (see “MIDI: MIDI Out Channels” on
page 160)

A track set to this status cannot play the internal

Instead of the assigned Sound name, the

indicator is shown on a track’s

area in the Main page:

This indicator begins with a remark saying the
track is in External (”E”) mode, and continues
with a strings of transmitted Control Change and
Program Change data. This will let you know
what the track is transmitting to the USB Device
port. In the following example,


is the Con-

trol Change 0 (Bank Select MSB),


is the

Control Change 32 (Bank Select LSB),


is the

Program Change:

When touching the Sound area, the numeric key-
pad appears, instead of the Sound Select window.
You can enter the Control Change/Program

Selected effect

FX parameters

FX group

Control Change/Program Change area

CC#0 value

CC#32 value

PC value