RIGOL DM3058 User Manual
Page 179

Programming Guide for DM3058/DM3058E
The programming implementations——Agilent Commands
0 cmdset agilent
/* Select Agilent commands */
1 *CLS
/* Clear the instrument state */
2 *IDN?
/* Query the equipment ID and confirm if the
multimeter works normally */
3 /* Return RIGOL Technologies, DM3058, DM3A020080808,*/
4 conf:res min
/* Enable the resistance measurement. */
5 /* Short connect the red and black test lead pen with each other */
6 calc:stat on /* Enable the math function */
7 calc:func aver /* Set the average operation */
8 calc:aver:aver? /* Query the current average resistance*/
9 /* Return 3.079573e-03*/
10 calc:func null
/* Set the null operation */
11 calc:null:offs?
/* Query the current null offset */
12 /*Return 0.000000e+00 */
13 calc:null:offs 0.000379573 /* Set the average calculated before as the null
offset */
14 calc:func null
/* Execute the null operation with new offset */
15 calc:func aver /* Set the average operation */
16 calc:aver:aver? /* Query the current average resistance */
17 /*The return value is 3.313395e-07 */
1. The operation in line 6 must be done before the next.
2. From the returned value in line 17, it is seen that the value is decreased 4 orders
of magnitude comparing with the result in line 9 after the REL operation has been
compeleted, so, test succeed.