RIGOL DM3058 User Manual
Page 177

Programming Guide for DM3058/DM3058E
Example 2: Eliminating the Impedance Errors on
Test leads
Purpose: To eliminate the impedance errors on test leads.
Larger deviation may be brought in when you measure the smaller resistance, it is
necessary to eliminate the errors induced by impedance of test leads, please perform
with following procedures step by step:
The programming implementations——RIGOL Commands
0 *RST
/* Reset the instrument */
1 cmdset rigol /* Select RIGOL commands */
2 *IDN?
/* Query the equipment ID and confirm if the
multimeter works normally */
3 /*Return: RIGOL Technologies,DM3058,DM3A020080808,*/
4 :function:resistance
/* Enable the resistance measurement*/
5 :measure:resistance MIN /* Set the range of 2-wire resistance
measurement to 200 Ω*/
6 /*Short connect the red and black test lead pen for resistance measurement
with each other*/
7 :calculate:function AVERAGE /* Set the average operation */
8 :calculate:statistic:average? /* Query the current resistance average*/
9 /* The return value is 3.302198e-01 */
10 :calculate:function REL
/* Set the REL function*/
11 :calculate:REL:state ON /* Enalbe the REL function*/
12 :calculate:REL:offset?
/* Query the current REL offset*/
13 /*The return value is 0 */
14 :calculate:REL:offset 0.330219 /* Set the offset measured before as the REL
15 :calculate:REL:state ON
/*Execute RELoperation with new offset */
16 :calculate:function AVERAGE /* Set the average function */
17 :calculate:statistic:average? /* Query the current average resistace */
18 /* The return value is 3.173456e-04*/
1. The operation in line 6 must be done before the next.
2. From the return value in line 18, it is seen that the value is decreased 3 orders of