Reinitializing media monitor of sdb server, Repopulating rundown items from sdb server – Grass Valley Aurora Playout v.6.5 User Manual

Page 64

background image




never be added to both the Playout and Ingest
sections. If you are not using Auto Transfer, leave
this section blank.

Aurora Playout creates a default Media Bin where
playout media is sent; also used for monitoring
ready status and clip duration.

Media Bin

Select Monitor all rundowns to update statuses for
stories in all active rundowns in your newsroom

Monitor all rundowns

Rundown Status

computer system, regardless of whether they are
currently open in Aurora Playout; this is the

Select Monitor open rundowns only to update
statuses for only the rundowns that are open in

Monitor open
rundowns only

Aurora Playout; when set, only updates the status
column in your newsroom computer system for
open rundowns.

Select the video aspect ratio for thumbnails
displayed in Aurora Playout components.

16:9; 4:3


Reinitializing media monitor of SDB Server

To refresh rundowns, reinitialize media server connections and update database records,
you can select the option to Reinitialize Media Monitor.

This is an option for you to manually execute the refresh function, even though SDB
Server would be automatically updated each time there is a new change to your

1. Click

SDB Server

on the taskbar of your desktop to display the window.

2. Select

Tools | Reinitialize Media Monitor or press F5 for the shortcut button.

Repopulating rundown items from SDB Server

The option to repopulate rundown items is useful if you were to accidentally delete
placeholders in Housekeeper for an active rundown. You can repopulate those
placeholders by selecting this option within SDB Server.

However, this option only repopulate empty placeholders and you still need to associate
clips to those placeholders before the rundown is ready for playback.

In the case of a complete loss or corruption of the SDB database, repopulate could be
used to rebuild the database by importing placeholders from all MOS active rundowns.

1. Click

SDB Server

on the taskbar of your desktop to display the window.

2. Select

Tools | Repopulate Rundown Items.


Aurora Playout User Guide

19 November 2008

Configuring Aurora Playout