Grass Valley Aurora Playout v.6.5 User Manual
Page 61
Enter an ID for the database, up to 4 characters, such as your station call
letters. All clip IDs will begin with this identifier. This is an optional field.
Enter the name of the computer hosting the backup database server. For
the primary SDB Server, this is the system hosting the hot standby database
Mirror Server
server; for the hot standby database server, this is the system hosting the
primary SDB Server.
Enter the name of the computer hosting the XMOS Server.
XMOS Server
Enter the name of the computer hosting the MediaFrame Server. After this
setting is configured, MediaFrame components can be accessed in Aurora
Playout application, Housekeeper, Assignment List Manager and
Assignment List Plug-in.
NOTE: If you have MediaFrame client applications on a different
Windows domain from the MediaFrame server, you need to define
19 November 2008
Aurora Playout User Guide
Configuring Aurora Playout
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