Verilink FrameStart FSM (34-00299.E) Product Manual User Manual
Page 94

F r a m e S t a r t F S M
Figure 4.15
Frame Relay Service Details Screen
The Frame Relay Service Details screen displays Service, Pair, and Interface
details across the top of the screen. Fields shown at the top of the Frame
Relay Service Details screen are described below.
Screen parameters that can be viewed and/or changed are listed below. To save
new parameters, press the “Esc” key.
Interface Type
If this service is connected to a Frame Relay network, the Interface Type
should be set to “UNI” as it is the user side of a User-to-Network interface. If
it is connected to a FRAD/router, the Interface Type should be set to “NI” as
it is the network side of a User-to-Network interface. If it is connected to an
equipment set for Network-to-Network interface, the Interface Type should be
set to “NNI.”
Values: UNI, NI, NNI
Default: UNI if interface is Network, NI if interface is Serial
Link Management
This parameter should be set to the link management used by the equipment
connected to it. If set to “Auto,” the unit will learn the link management type
and display it on the status portion of this screen.
Read-only status (No, Yes)
LMI Type
Read-only status
FrameStart Status
Read-only status
Round Trip Delay
Specifies the frame size of packets making round-
Round Trip Rate (sec)
Specifies the rate at which Round Trip Delay
packets are sent.