Verilink FrameStart FSM (34-00299.E) Product Manual User Manual
Page 86

F r a m e S t a r t F S M
V.35 requires the use of an optional cable. Refer to Optional Equipment
on page A-5 for ordering information.
By default, the Serial port serves as a DCE port in both Packet and TDM
modes. However, the Serial port can serve as a DTE port when the unit is in
Packet mode.
If the Serial port connects to a DTE device (such as a FRAD or a router), the
Mode parameter must be set to “DCE.” If this port connects to a DCE device
(such as a DSU/CSU), this parameter must be set to “DTE” (valid only for
Packet mode, not TDM).
Values: DCE, DTE
Default: DCE
DTE mode requires the use of an optional DTE cable. Refer to
Appendix A for ordering information.
Packet Rate
If the port is running in Packet mode, the Rate must be configured to the
desired port speed (in bits per second). In TDM mode, the port speed rate will
be set by configuring the next four parameters (Start Channel, Number of
Channels, Bundling, and Channel Rate).
Values: Nx56K or Nx64K where N = 1
Default: 1536 kbps
Selects whether the DTE channel assignment is made as a “Contiguous”
group or as “Alternate” channels. Selecting “Alternate” ensures ones density.
Because the unit allows individual channels to be configured for a service, a
value of “Arbitrary” will be returned for this parameter if the current channel
allocation is not contiguous or Alternate. The “Arbitrary” value can only be
supplied by the unit
it cannot be set by the user.
Values: Contiguous, Alternate, Arbitrary
Default: Contiguous
Because “Alternate” Bundling assigns every other channel, only half
the channels are available.
Start Channel
Selects the starting channel in the 24-channel DS1 bit stream. Starting with
the specified channel, the unit automatically assigns the channels that follow.
Values: 1 through 24
Default: 1
# of Channels
Specifies the number of channels to be assigned to the DTE.
Values: 0 through 24
Default: 24 Channel Rate